Apr 04, 2005 09:57
Ahhh The Ruskin Arms; it used to be a regular haunt before I was ill. Drew took me, Mike and Karl up there Saturday, Kev wasn't feeling that well, and I had the most excellent time. Not sure how a good a time Mike and Karl had but I loved it and Drew seemed to as well. He was exhausted yesterday, he spent most of it dozing on the sofa bless his heart.
I met loads of old buddies and even a couple of people I never expected to see there. There were a couple of blokes from GamesWorkshop that we knew. Chris and Steve (Luckycharms) had been there for a while but i didn't recognise them because Chris wasn't wearing his specs and Steve was wearing this stupid hat and it made him look even shorter, if that is at all possible.
I told Kev he has to go next time because people were asking after him and he has the royal command from Martin.
Gods I love dancing with Drew, he is so much fun, and he looked so very sexy Saturday, he was wonderful. I love men who boogie, not necessarily in a sexual way; I used to have a good friend, I called him little Carl even though he was 6'5" because he was like a little brother to me, he used to dance with me at the Ruskins and we had some great times doing it. Drew is just so much fun and I just love watching him dance his hands are so expressive.
I would love it if I could go back there again on Saturday, I think it's probably the best way for me to get fit again, well apart from the secondary smoke, and I want to feel like I used to. I need to wear in my new docs, I can't dance properly in heels, I just can't jump around with them on. I NEED this, I really, really need it. Dressing up and making up and feeling sexy just makes me feels good for ages after. I'm not too worried about losing weight but I really want to get fitter again.