Mar 04, 2005 09:18
Can't believe how incrdible militant and well rabid people get on line. It's like they lose all the social inhibitions they have in the real world and start telling people how it should be and what they should do. I belong to a couple of forums and of course a couple of LJ comms too, over and over I see people come in dissaprove of something and just let rip, like it is their gods given right. I am what I am on line and off, I don't see the need to hide behind "personalities" that no one will see when you meet.
I have opinions, yep strong ones on occasion but these people walk all over other people's feelings just for the sake of them being right. I've been known to be very vociferous in my views but there has to be someone being a complete and utter prat about something in the first place. People seem to think they are safe to say anything they want. To a certain extent I suppose they are, it are only teh intraweb after all. But then they take it all so incredibly seriously, even more than I do, and I think I take things far too seriously.
Why do we do this to ourselves? I mean right now I have not much of a life but these people seem to think this is all very real. Like they never look out of the window and see thre is a real world out there. They make ME feel like a fully contributing member of society. Astonishing. Hmm, I might post again later. All depends how my real life goes.