The horror! The horror!

Mar 29, 2011 21:26

Macabre March Madness

A gen-oriented, horror-themed Comment Meme
[Click on the image to go to the meme.]
Banner courtesy of animotus

I have a special place in my heart for sharp_teeth, especially since my Claire art from the last round led to several new friends who are as creepy as I am :3 (Good lord, has it only been since November that I've been obsessed with Claire Novak?) More importantly, thanks to thegeminisage, I have a paid account and can now track individual threads. Between this and the completely schmoopy first-time fest, I HAVE GONE MAD WITH POWER. So many prompts! So many of them with the potential to be FANTABULOUS. AND I WILL TRACK THEM ALLLLLLL.

So go forth, my loves, and give me nightmares.

joy and rapture, recs, my mind is a freaky place, tell me something good

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