we are legion

Jul 31, 2011 20:28


First and foremost, I want to alert those of you who do not already know that there is now a communal novakcest tumblr! We find pretty pictures, we claim they are Novaks, and it is glorious. (Many of these were collected to make the latest post from twoskeletons.) If you want to join us (AND YOU SHOULD), give me or Lass your email so we can invite you. :D

MORE IMPORTANTLY, THOUGH, THERE HAVE BEEN SEVERAL ADDITIONS TO THE JIMMY/JACOB FIC COLLECTION SINCE LAST WE SPOKE. When the latest round of blindfold_spn happened, it is possible that someone such as myself may have prompted Jimmy/Jacob. And then that others followed suit.


Late Night Operator by wandersfound
Prompt: Jacob works as a phone sex operator (enter Cas-voice). Jimmy rings up, not knowing it's him. It's the first time they've spoken in years.
Set in SPN canon, shortly before 4.20 "The Rapture." R. ~2000 words.

Not If The World Were Ending by tawg
Prompt: Jacob's body is the same as Jimmy's, and that means he knows exactly how to put Jimmy back together.
Set in SPN canon, futurefic. NC-17. ~2600 words.

But How To Graph The Results? by tawg
Prompt: Jimmy has powers from being fed demon blood as a baby. Jacob is determined to find a logical, scientific basis. This calls for experimentation!
Set in novakcest verse, season two. NC-17. ~2200 words.

Trouble by
Prompt: They encounter a siren. Sex happens.
Set in novakcest verse, season one. NC-17. ~1000 words.

I AM SERIOUSLY SO HAPPY FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE. I really didn't expect that anyone would fill my prompt, let alone prompt more from this verse and have those filled too, and I am filled with such schmoopy love for all of you that I am embarrassing myself. I HAVE THE BEST FLIST EVER.

(Also posted on Dreamwidth.)

jimmy/jacob otp, friendly friends, recs, jacob glaser, novakcest = best of all possible worlds, jimmy novak

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