Jul 08, 2007 22:35
After about a month of disconnect, I am now back online. The Comcast installer came back unexpectedly on Friday, identified the problem (again), bumped the project to a higher priority (like I hadn't already heard that), and promised someone would be out between 1 and 5 on Saturday, and even provided a number for his employer (the contractor hired by Comcast). About 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, I called the number and learned that I hadn't been completely stood up, the installer was just running very late. At about 8:00 p.m. Saturday the promised installer came out and finally hooked us up, and as of 10:30 p.m. last night we now have basic cable and Internet. Life is good again, and I might never again get anything productive done.
In short, I'm back.