(no subject)

Nov 30, 2010 02:35

Here's my new ticker!!!

So, I did not get it done as fast as I wanted to, but I am being super organized about it. Every time I find an article it only takes me a min or two to write up AND do the glossary. :D So that is progress. Just trying to get stuff accomplished. I feel like I have so much coming up ahead. =[ I have been really feeling anxious and I really want to meet with Dr. Cannon. =[ I feel so uncertain about my future. I want to know what I am doing next semester!!!!! Gr!!! It stresses me out so much not knowing. I hate GCC's advisment department. They are so bad at what they do. =[

I feel like I just have an insurmountable amount of things to do!!!! =[ I am legit freaking out! =[ I was like this last night and it was not very helpful! =/

Uggghhhh this is terrible.... I feel like I should NOT be stressing like this. I did not want to be stressing like this. I was doing perfectly fine before that fucking deca conference... I should have never gone! =/

SPEAKING OF... I got a call from Marshall's asking me in for an interview!!! OMG! I am so excited they called me! Just from my resume!! So excitingggg.... BUTTTT I don't think I want to work there.... yet another thing I have to think about in the near future I suppose. Wah. I just want to curl up in a ball. Life isn;t that bad, I just need to get all of this stress out!!!!! The easiest way to keep from feeling stressed is to finish my fuckin hw. I just need to keep on the ball.... I feel like a lot of things have been distracting me this week.... break seems to have hurt more than it helped. Breaks give everyone an excuse to socialize when they don't have time. =/
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