(no subject)

Nov 23, 2010 00:48

I feel like I have a lot to say but I'm really not in the mood to write a detailed post.

I want photoshop back.  I miss it =[

Also, I am so excited for this break.  It seems to have come at the PERFECT time for me.  I plan on busting my ass the entire time, but I want to be ahead of the game when I do back to school next Monday so that way life in December will be a little easier.   I  find this "ahead of the game" me an exciting concept and a calming thought.

I still haven't told my dad that I'm not going to his house for thanksgiving.... I feel really bad, but like... Laura's family doesn;t seem to like me much... I don't really enjoy being around them on the holidays because I don;t feel welcome in their family.  And there;s always some dumbass issue with cards or thank yous.  God who cares.  I hate obligatory holiday traditions.  If you want to send someone something, it should be an appreciated thought not something they were customarily FORCED into.  I don;t rly get why people waste their time & money doing somehting if they don't enjoy it.


I am SOOOOOOOOO nervous for my calc test tomorrow.  =[ I wish I studied more.  I feel so stressed with it all.  It's not even that its hard! I understand it in class easily, but then my notes and stuff are so disorganized that I can;t succeed in studying for the tests.  Isn't that awful?? Its sad that my disorganization is so bad it keeps me from succeeding.  It shouldn't and I try hard not to let it.  This is why I have been wanting to make appointments with my therpist.  It is always really nicew to talk to her about these things she always has great solutions and  seems to know exactly what is going on in my head without me having to explain it.  I def need to make an apppointment.

Speaking of appointments.... i have a few goals over break, but one of them is to GET A DAMN HAIR CUT. lol.  I have decided to go with my gut instinct and go with the girl who did my hair a month ago for my mom's retirement party. (I have issues trusting hair stylists.... It takes me months to settle on someone) But for some reason I feel I should go back to her. So I probably will..... so hopefully I can do that! I'm excited I want a new cut and I will be talking about getting highlights ^.^

Well this certainly made me feel a lil better.  I love love love writing in here.  
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