Feb 01, 2010 01:22
Well I haven;t been on in a very long time. But quick funny story. I was having a bad night and was considering logging on her to vent about it when all of a sudden I stumbled upon a facebook friend who had their livejournal linked as their website. I took it at as a sign and was all pumped up to start writing when I totally forgot my password. Well I tried to log in a bagillion times and nothign I could think of worked. So then I tried to get my password sent to e, but it kept not working. One time it would say it sent and it didn;t then the next it would say my email was not vaildated with the account, then it would say that they do not send lost info emails to hotmail. All this stuff. Then I got pissed and sent a semi-angry letter to the support team saying basically "I can;t log in and your system is making it so dificult I'm convinced you don't even want me to. Please send me my password." THEN When I finally do that, I realize I had been trying to log in with the wrong screen name the entire time!!! hahaha! oh sigh. So I am now taking THAT as a sign to NOT be all gloomy, and cheer up, so I'm gunna do that. I may be back again soon though, familiar abstacles have reappeared in my life. =/ At least I have my handy dandy livejournal to get all my feelings out. And I have made some really great new friends this semester, and I have an amazingggg boyfriendddd ^.^ He makes me so happy. So maybe my life really isn't that much to bitch about. But then again, with my amazing skill in talking endlessly, I 'm sure I can come up with SOMETHING to talk about on here. Lol