Random thoughts...

Dec 14, 2010 01:41

I wish it was you reading this.... every time I see "invisible guest" I wish it was you. =/ Why do you hate me so much?

I got the highest grade on the test in my business law 2 class!! AGAIN!!! This is the second time so far!!!!! I also have one more test grade to get that it is possible, but I doubt it for that one lol. I just want to finish that class. I can;t believe our final is all case problems. Omg  I have no idea how I am going to finish it.   I'll make it work I suppose. Praying for them to be on the easier side.

I found out I am graduating with an associate's degree this semester!! Finally!!!! I was really excited when I found out!!! I THINK I have decided to stay at school and take one or two more classes and become a tutor. =] And I will be able to be a substitute teacher!  I was excited about this except that when I told my club advisor I can be president, she didn;t sound as excited as I thought she would be... =/  I expected her to be happy bc I'm the only person who agreed to do it! But she didn;t seem so much =/

Idk why but this just made me a lot less excited.  Some part of me is thinking maybe I should take the semester off and get a job.  I am going to transfer in the fall.  I know this. For sure.  I just feel SO UNDECIDED about what to do next semester.  =/

In other news, I can;t wait til the semester is over! I am so excited for the holidays!!! I want to make so many things! :D
I am so excited to give Rico his christmas presents!! I hope he likes them!!!! I am so paranoid he is going to find otu what ti is! He did see it in my house alrdy bc he went to pick something up for me, and I forgot I had it out =[ But it was a while ago, so I am hoping he forgot about it.   Ahhhh I can't wait!!

As for everyone else... = I haven't bought anyone else's presents yet =/

I wish I was more organized..... I feel like a disaster lately =/
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