FYI: I'm heading out of town till Saturday or Sunday. I know this must crush you all reading this deeply to be deprived of my absence. (Yeah right). But some things to do until I get back:
-Watch the newpeat of The Office tonight. It's two episodes (Traveling Salesmen and The Return) made into one with four minutes of new stuff.
-Watch the new Grey's tonight.
-Friday go vote in the
ar_icontest even if you aren't a BSG fan. You just have to say which icon you think is prettiest.
-Laugh hard and often.
-Eat good food.
-Wear green on Saturday so as to avoid being pinched.
Yeah that's about it. I did finish Exile last night, but I'll wait on posting reviews on that till I get back. But now I'm off to eat, shower, pack, and drive for a few hours while listening to my nifty free Betrayal audio book.