(no subject)

Sep 30, 2018 23:46

I am tired of living in a shame bubble.

I want forgiveness for myself more than ever.

I am worn out from punishing myslef.

I am sick of my own brain telling me that I am too terrible to forgive.

I am disgusted that things that happened over a decade ago still haunt me like I never tried to make amends or give apology.

I have always apologized, been remorseful, and tried to do better. . . Yet I still often feel as though my reputation is negative in a lot of circles.

I'm not saying that I've neve done anything to warrent that, I have. I definitely have. But. . . I don't know. This is just it, I freely admit that I have messed up and hurt people and. . . I don't know what to do about it any more. I'm not going to get the forgiveness I crave from those people, because they have written me off as unforgiveable.  I need to forgive myself. It's very difficult.

My 20's were difficult.

My mental illness was out of control, and I hurt a lot of people.

I am READY to move on.


I just don't really know how.
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