(no subject)

Mar 02, 2018 18:36

I definitely have cyclic anxiety.

I'm ovulating right now, and I feel like my head is buzzing, so full there isn't room for thought. I'm irritable, weepy, and I want to eat sweets like I've never had them before.

It's always annoying to me how much I change throughout the month. I know in two weeks when my period starts I'll feel fine. Like everything was and has always been fine, but I just want to rage and scream and cry right now.  And eat food.





That's it's it. I don't want to go to work. I don't want to take care of myself. I don't want to do anything.

I will though. That's a thing. I WILL take care of myself.

I've had a good after work/after biking snack. Then I'm going to do some gentle yoga to try to ease some of the soreness my first full week of biking as commute has brought me. My quads are rock solid with knots and my sciatic nerve has been tender. I've been taking a CBD tincture because I don't want to deal with the pain. It makes me sleepy, but is otherwise very effective. My hips are tight, and that's where resentment gets stored in the body, so that's not helping my moods much.

After that I'm going to take a really hot bath. Normally I'd add epsom salts, but I'm out and I can't make myself go to the store for more right now. That's a bike ride and money I don't really feel like spending. So a very hot bath will have to do.

I got my hair cut. It's like. . . a shaggy mohawk? A european mullet? Haha. I'm not sure what to call it.

I feel better now for sitting still and writing a little bit. Making a plan of action for self care this evening.

Ok. That's all I needed to say. Love!
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