Now a list of things I like because gratitude helps.

Feb 10, 2017 23:07

1. My rabbit is really cute.  Like. . . Off the charts cute.  Miss Bun lives out of her "house" (her food and potty room) most of the time.  She drinks out of the filtered fountain I bought for the cat, and it's so gentle and sweet.  The part of her cheeks where the whiskers grow from wiggle adorably.  She hops up to the bed to say hello in her bunny way sometimes (a double tap with her nose on an available body part) and then either asks for pets (head down, eyes shut) or jumps away playfully using the bed to springboard herself onto the ground.

2.  Wilbur is doing well in this house.  I am living with Chance, and his room is larger than where I lived before, and sometimes he gets to go outside.  He's a different cat.  From mopey and grumpy to playful and loving.

3. Chance cleaned the room while I was at work, and it felt so amazing to walk into a tidy space that I didn't clean myself. There's fresh flowers and windows wide open to let the unseasonably warm weather in.

4. I have some time alone in the house without Chance or our roommate.  Just me and the animals.  I am reminded that I need alone time.  That I am good company and that if I don't get to spend enough time with myself, I become disconnected.  I am grateful for a little bit of time.

Ok.  That's all.
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