if I could choose to spend my days like this, sleepy but running around with victor, amber and adderly, I would do it a thousand times again.
listening to rap.
kissing charmander.
victor's hair.
amazing, right.
refusal skills
a.k.a. how to make sure none of your boundaries are crossed but keep your friendships
a.k.a. what to do when somebody wants you to do something you don't want to do
- ask questions
- state the problem
- explain the consequences
- suggest an alternative
- move it, sell it, leave the door open
I'm a good peer leader teacher.
tomorrow is a big day. I have a dentist appointment. victor is going to come and talk to me and ms. payne at lunch. then me, amber, victor, sean, john, adderly and I are going to see the gayest gay boy we know play danny in grease.
okay, it doesn't seem that big on paper, but trust me.
tomorrow I will also maybe get some cardboard boxes so I can start packing up my room. crap.
I am about to watch moulin rouge.
I love cindy.
this is a sleepy blog.