Time Lord Meme

Nov 28, 2011 20:25

Heisted from kilodalton

Your job is now your Time Lord name. The last digit of your phone number is the current regeneration you are in. The nearest clothing item to your right is now the most notable item in your current wardrobe. The last person you texted is your current companion. Your favorite word is now your catchphrase.

My Time Lord name is the Teacher and I am on my second regeneration. The most notable item in my current wardrobe is a pair of thick, woolly black socks. Since I don't text I'll have to pick my companion from the last person I talked with on the phone and that person is my daughter.   My favorite word/catchphrase since moving to the Galaxy of Baltimore is "FRICKING IDIOTS AROUND HERE DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!!!!"


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