Jul 07, 2006 14:09
My summer has been pretty much plain. I've been working a lot. Mostly double shifts. I've gone out 3 times all summer. I had a lot of fun. Working isn't bad. I'm making decent money, and the weeks are going by fast, and thats what I wanted. Next week, my mom is coming in to town to go to a concert with me in Little Rock. That'll be friggin awesome. Then 2 weekends after that, I'm going to Lafayette for the weekend.
Oh yeah, one thing unexpected happened to me the other day. July 4th, actually. I was scheduled to work a double that day. Around 6:30pm at work, I was putting a fry basket into the fryer, and I guess there was a lot of ice crystals or something on it, but a lot of grease flew onto my hand. The back of my hand was completely covered in grease, and it burned really bad, obviously. The manager told me to wash it off and go to Wal-Mart across the parking lot and buy some aloe for the store since they had no burn care at all. On my way there, I'm trying not to cry, and I call my mom(she's a nurse) and ask her what I should get for using at the house. She told me to go to the emergency room. So I go back to work, tell them I have to go to the ER, and I go. I waited about an hour before they brought me to the back room. My hand is throbbing, and red and swollen, but they didn't even give me anything to cool it off while I waited. Finally I get in, they give me a burn ointment and pain killers and a note saying that I'm not allowed to go back to work for 3 days. So that means from Wednesday to Friday I get to sit at home doing nothing. I can go back tomorrow, but I have tomorrow and Sunday off, so I don't go back till Monday. ITs a nice unexpected vacation. My hand isn't even that bad. It only hurts if I'm out in the sun or taking a bath or shower. But it is workmans comp., so I have to follow orders. So my plans for today and tomorrow and to completely clean up and organize my house. I've already thrown stuff away, and its looking better already. So thats making me happy.
I can't wait for school to start. I don't mind working this much, but I need something else added to the routine. I'm looking forward to marching band and a year of making more money for the KPsi chapter than Jason did last year...haha. I'm only taking 12 hours, so hopefully I can bring my grades up and do well in the frat without one or the other suffering. Anywho, I need to get back to cleaning and organizing.