Talk Like A Pirate Day

Sep 19, 2006 14:22

It's kind of funny that this should happen today, since last night's episode of Wife Swap involved the Bauer family, of whom apparently invented the whole Talk Like A Pirate day. And whoo boy, whether or not it was one shot or edited, they looked nuts. Their house was a mess, they ran around in pirate gear with real sword (I keep thinking there's got to be some sort of law about this, since it is a weapon and they were running about with it unsheathed at times) got so bad that the swapped wife (I think her surname was Fine) had to move out to a hotel because of the fleas. Ugh. I winced.

Meanwhile, Tori Baeur was sent to the other house, who is so neat and labelled that it puts my own mother to shame. I mean, there was so many labels it looked like the mother was OCD or something and the daughter was the same way. Naturally Tori was going ballistic in such a house. Now at first itm appears the Fines are the more level-headed of the two, but after a while you saw that they were a bit too tightly wound. I know, I know, this is the whole purpose of the show -- to swap wives from families that are polar opposites.

I didn't finish watching simply because I couldn't take any more, so in boredom I decided browisng up stuff on the web would be good. It is then that i find out that John Bauer (who introduced himself as "Ol' Chumbucket" to Mrs. Fine) invented Talk Like A Pirate Day, and it was on September 19th. Of course, by that point it was somewhat late (nearly ten) so I sort of forgot to notice that it was eptember 18th and that tomorrow would be the 19th. So I wake up and start seeing pirate stuff everywhere. Yeah, that made me wtf at first. Now that I think about it, it's funny that that particular episode aired just a day before talk like a pirate day.

Yeah, that's all I wanted to say.


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