It's birthday week 2011, and we all know what that means:
At least, that's the PC name for it. In reality it's CELEBRATE MISS WRIGHT'S BIRTHDAY WEEK, but the first one tells the principal it's okay.
Monday was Book Character day. This one was the least-participated in, mostly because it was Monday and everybody forgot over the weekend. Johanna and I did not forget; I was an Elf from Lord of the Rings and she was Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice. We looked awesome, AND I got to wear and amazing dress. Score!
Tuesday was Movie character day. I was Belle from Beauty and the Beast, although I dressed up in her blue outfit. I actually have a picture of this one...sort of...
That is apparently the biggest it will come. Anywho, can't you see the Belle-ness? I also had on a white apron. It really completed the look. I looked like her, dangit! (And that strange thing hanging around my neck is a microphone. The children can never claim they can't hear me; my voice is EVERYWHERE.)
Wednesday was Nerd Day. The kids looked fantastic. It is, by far, their favourite day.
Behold, the nerds!
Seriously, they love nerd day. See those big ugly glasses? Some of the kids wear them on normal days just for fun. It baffles me.
Today, Thursday, was Student Teacher swap day, so I dressed like a student and they dressed like teachers. It was really cute seeing them all gussied up. I, unfortunately, did not snap any photos from today. I'm not really a very good picture taker, and I never remember to do it.
Tomorrow is my favourite day: Princess Day! I'm super stoked to wear my dress and tiara AND to see what the kids come wearing.
I love being a fifth grade teacher. I have the best job ever. :)
"Teacher: the child's third parent." ~~Hyman Berston
"Teaching a not a lost art, but regard for it is a lost tradition." ~~Jacques Barzun
"If a doctor, lawyer, or dentist had 40 different people in his office at one time, all of whom had different needs, and some of whom didn't want to be there and were causing trouble, and the doctor, lawyer, or dentist, without assistance, had to treat them all with professional excellence for nine months, then he might have some conception of the classroom teacher's job." ~~Donald D. Quinn