CM/WMC Crossover - The Unexpected, 10/?

Jan 20, 2009 08:18

Title: The Unexpected, 10/?

Fandom: WMC/CM Crossover

Pairing: Emily/Cindy; Cindy/Lindsay and Emily/JJ implied.

Rating: PG-13, maybe higher due to some pretty descriptive violence.

Disclaimer: Don’t own a damn thing so don’t sue.

Warnings: This is un-beta’d. All mistakes are mine.

AN: I don’t know how long this is going to end up. I’m honestly surprised it’s been this long. Having this kind of dedication is kind of shocking for me.

The buzzing on the bedside table woke Cindy from a very pleasant dream of a dark-haired mystery woman coming home with her. She smiled in her half-sleep state and stretched. Feeling the ache in her limbs and her body most definitely naked, her eyes flew open wide remembering the night before.

“Oh…wow. That was no dream.”    She excitedly kicked at the bedsheets and rolled over to scream into her pillow. “Oh my Goooood.” She sat up, looking around her bedroom, realizing she was alone and the message hitting her in the gut. “Oh great, that’s just so freakin’ typical.” She flopped back down on her bed, remembering her phone had buzzed earlier.

Sitting up and rolling her legs off the bed, she reached for her cell phone, flipping it open and expecting to see a message from anyone but who she did.

“Sorry. Work called. Check kitchen before you leave. I miss you already. Will call later. xoxo.”

Cindy stared at the message, committing it to memory, debating whether to text back or not when her phone rang. Without looking she picked it up.

“Where are you?”

“Good morning to you too, Jill.”

“Breakfast. Papa Joe’s. Remember?” Cindy slapped herself on the forehead.

“Oh God! I’m sorry! I’m on my way, seriously.”

She could hear Claire in the background, “Tell her to kick that gorgeous federal agent out of her bed and get her butt her…pronto! We need details. I live vicariously after all.”

Cindy felt her mouth fall open, already assuming the blonde had spilled it, “How the hell does she know that? Jill!!!”

“Hey, it wasn’t me. It must be a mom thing. But, she has a point. We need details. The dirty details, of course.”

Cindy rolled her eyes, “Fine. Give me 20 minutes.”

Cindy took the fastest shower in history before racing out the door to meet her friends. Halfway to her car, she remembered Emily’s message but didn’t take the time to go back inside.


“Where’s Lindsay?” Cindy slid into their regular booth next to Claire.

Jill shrugged, “Guess she’s a no-show. I’ve texted and called, threatening within an inch of her life or at least threatening that she’d have to buy next time, but nothing. You know, she really needs to dump this workaholic routine.”

Claire quirked her eyebrows, before taking a sip of her coffee, “We are talking about the same Lindsay here, right? Besides maybe she was just up late talking to Pete.”

Jill curled her lip in disgust at the mention of his name, “No, no way. Lindsay is not the phone sex type. However, someone else at this table might be.” Jill looked pointedly at the redhead with her eyes glued to the menu unable to hold back the smirk.

“Phones are not necessary, nor required. I like the hands-on approach.”

Claire practically spewed her coffee across the table, but blocked in time with a napkin.

“That was close,” Cindy quipped.

Jill shook her head, taking a nibble of her croissant, “Don’t snark and run. Come on, is tall, dark and mysterious as good as she looks?”

Cindy’s cheeks turned several shades of red as she hesitated to answer.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Are you sore?” Cindy gave up and slapped her hands over her eyes.

“Dear God, Jill!” Claire kicked Jill under the table and glared at her.

“Ow! What?! Oh, don’t act like you don’t want to know,” the blonde motioned at the glaring medical examiner, “You should have heard all the naughty things her mind had the two of you doing earlier. I even blushed.”

“Fine!” Cindy threw her hands up in the air, “Yes, and dear God, yes, to your questions, but I’m not telling you anything else.”

Jill grinned wickedly, “Fine. I’ll ask. You just answer. Fingers? Tongue?”

Cindy’s eyes grew wide and remembered a few more scenes from the night before, a wicked smile crossing her face. Jill’s mouth fell open, “BOTH!”

“Jill, shhhhhh,” Cindy looked around at the questioning looks.

Claire took pity on the younger woman and wrapped a motherly arm around her shoulders, “Honey, never mind our ill-mannered friend. We’re just glad you’re happy. Agent Prentiss is definitely high caliber and you only deserve the best.”

“Thanks, Claire,” Cindy stuck her tongue out at Jill.

“Put it away, short stuff, unless you want me to get started again,” Jill pointed at Cindy, making all three laugh.

The fun was cut short when Jill’s phone buzzed. She looked down expecting it to be Denise demanding that she get her slacker ass into the office, but when her eyebrows scrunched together in obvious concern, the other two sat up straight, looking at each other.

“What’s wrong?” Claire asked.

“It’s Lindsay. She sent a 911 and told us to get to the station ASAP,” she looked up at the redhead, “and bring Cindy.”


All three women came rushing into the station. The entire place was buzzing, groups were huddled together talking. As they passed, some turned to look at Cindy. She had an uneasy feeling, but with the encouragement of Jill’s hand in the small of her back, she kept moving to the back of the precinct to the temporary office of the BAU.

Lindsay was leaning over with both hands placed firmly on the desk in front of her, in an apparently intense conversation with Aaron Hotchner. When the blonde agent informed Lindsay that Cindy was here, Lindsay quickly exited the room, intercepting her before she could hear what was being said.

“Cindy, when was the last time you saw Agent Prentiss?”


Lindsay shuffled nervously, “Was she with you last night?”

Cindy stumbled over the words, the anxiety building in her, and a bit annoyed that her personal life was being blurted out for the whole world to hear, “Wha…what’s going on, Lindsay?” The doors opened behind her as the agents filed out of the room, coming directly for her.

“Please, Cindy, just tell me.”

Cindy started to feel a little afraid as the intimidating agents surrounded her, “Yeah, yes, of course she was with me last night? You saw me leave with her. Why does it…?”

“When was the last time you saw her?” Morgan’s jaw clenched in obvious frustration as he crossed his arms. Cindy really noticed for the first time that he had arms the size of pythons and for some reason right now, that didn’t make her feel any better.

Shaking her head, she thought hard, “The last time I physically saw her was around 4:30am, but I got a text from her several hours ago.”

“We’ll need to see that message,” Hotch left no room for discussion, “Reid, take the phone, analyze the message and see if there is any hidden meaning in it. She could be trying to let us know something.”

All of the agents started to turn and get to work, leaving Cindy even more confused and worried than before, “Whoa! Wait up. Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on here?”

Hotch started to say something, when Lindsay put her hand up to stop him, “I’ll do it.” She turned to Cindy, “Agent Prentiss was supposed to be here two hours ago. She never showed up. Nobody except you has seen her since last night.” She paused briefly to let the information sink in, “We think something may have happened to her.”

Cindy shook her head, “Maybe traffic slowed her down or she got sidetracked doing something else.”

JJ spoke quietly from the back of the group, “Emily’s never been late…ever. She even worked last year when she had the flu. Her job is everything to her. If anything had kept her from getting here and she was able to contact us, she would have.”

Cindy refused to believe it, “There has to be a good reason for this.”

She looked at Lindsay with pleading, tear-filled eyes, automatically leaning into her shoulder for support, “And we’re going to find out what it is. I promise.”


The pain hit her with blinding white intensity yet Emily couldn’t see, the material over her face blocking out all light and images.   She could hear shoes shuffling on the cold cement floor though and a steady, persistent drip of water in the corner. She attempted to lift her arms, but they felt like they were as heavy as lead. When she moved her head, setting off a wave of stomach-turning nausea, her worst fears were realized. She wasn’t bound, but she was drugged, making it almost impossible for her body to react quickly, much less with any kind of force. She was going to have to think of another way out of the situation.

Before she could form a question to ask of the silently hovering form, a boot pressed to the side of her head, holding her down and sending throbbing jolts of pain through her skull.

“You’re very pretty, yes, but you won’t be when they finally find you.”

Emily spat out under the boot, “Who the hell are you?”

“You’ll find out soon enough, but for right now, we’re going to have a little fun. Actually, you won’t have any fun. You’ll just beg for mercy and a quick death. I, however, will have a lot of fun at your expense.”

With that, the boot pushed down slightly adding just enough pressure to make Emily scream.

“You’re making a big mistake,” Emily ground out from under the sole.

“No, you made the mistake, Agent Prentiss. You came between me and Cindy. Now, I have to get you out of the way.”

Emily’s heart hammered in her chest at the words and she made a rash move to grab at the foot on her. Instead, the foot slipped from her, angering her kidnapper. Her reward was a boot to the stomach that knocked the wind out of her. Her body automatically curled in on itself in an attempt at protection. Unfortunately, it left her head open and vulnerable allowing her assailant to pick her up by her hair with one hand and punch her with the other. Almost instantly, her eye began to swell from the well-placed punch.

The profiler crawled as best she could weak and hurting away from the source of the affliction. She tried to use the break to further assess her situation. She could hear cars and horns, but they were low and distant confirming that she was well-hidden from potential rescuers. It was also safe to estimate that it was still daylight out based on the sounds so she hadn’t been out long. The last thing she remembered was walking away from Cindy’s apartment, looking down to send her a quick text before she got in her car. An errant thought had her wondering if Cindy got her surprise. Everything after that up to this point was blank. She must have been ambushed. She didn’t recall hearing any sound or even voices.

Quickly her mind formulated a plan. Warning bells would sound for the team when she didn’t show up for the briefing this morning, meaning they would probably intensify the search for this unsub. She had to buy herself some time and try to gain an advantage over her opponent. If she feigned sleep, she may be able to wait for the drugs to wear off enough to fight back or she could simply pretend to be unconscious until her team arrived. However, she needed to make that a believable possibility.

Looking in the direction of the shuffled movement, she sneered, “There’s no way you’re going to get away with this. Not only am I going to kick your ass when this shit wears off, but you’ve broken a handful of major federal laws. Kidnapping and assaulting a federal agent, and so far you’ve threatened to kill me.” Emily laughed maniacally at the thought, “Oh, you are so fucked!”

The steel cold voice was over her now, “You see, that’s really bad news for you and your little Cindy because that just means I have nothing left to lose.”

A crack of wood against Emily’s ribs made her scream in agony. She fell over onto her back, gripping as best she could at her broken ribs, the burning sensation of air struggling to go into her lungs making her mind block all stimuli except the throbbing in her body. In this state, she couldn’t anticipate the boot coming at her jaw.

The last thoughts she had before she blacked out was that she needed to roll over on her side so she wouldn’t choke to death on her own blood and the image of Cindy sleeping this morning before she left. Now she wished she had woke her and let her know how she felt. At this rate, she wasn’t sure if she’d ever get the chance.

wmc, unexpected, cm, emily/cindy, criminal minds, women's murder club

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