CM/WMC Crossover - The Unexpected, part 9/?

Jan 17, 2009 15:22

Title: The Unexpected, 9/?

Fandom: WMC/CM Crossover

Pairing: Emily/Cindy; Cindy/Lindsay and Emily/JJ implied.

Rating: NC-17, FINALLY! I hope it was worth the wait.

Disclaimer: Don’t own a damn thing so don’t sue.

Warnings: This is un-beta’d. All mistakes are mine.

AN: Thanks to my friends and everyone reading. You knew I wouldn’t let you down!

Emily tugged the redhead out into the crisp night air. Walking hand-in-hand, she purposefully ignored the stares of Hotch and Rossi in the car across the street.

She raised her free wrist closer to her face, being subtle about the motion, “I’ve got it from here, Hotch. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Hotch raised an eyebrow at Rossi, who was fighting a knowing smirk from showing, “What, Aaron? It’s a smart move. She’s drawing the unsub out of hiding.”

Hotch turned back to see Emily pinning Cindy against the wall, “Can’t say she takes her job lightly.”

One block down, Jacobi snickered, “This is a side of Cindy I never expected to see.”

Lindsay squirmed in her seat, remembering the taste of Cindy’s lips. She had no right to be, but she was feeling the twinges of jealousy poking at her. She pushed it away though knowing that whether out of cowardice or comfort, she was sticking to the known path her life was taking. Pete was a good man, and it wasn’t that she didn’t care, but having him on the other side of the world while she chased the worst that humanity had to offer was comforting for her. She couldn’t live, day in and day out, wondering if someone she gave her heart to would be taken from her. Pete was safe and Lindsay couldn’t take anymore pain or loss, not now.

Silently, she started the car and pulled away from the curb.


Cindy pulled back with a gasp, looking into the endless depths of Emily’s eyes. She studied her face, letting her fingers run along the elegant planes and dipping into the hollow spaces beneath her chin.

“You’re beautiful.”

Emily smiled, leaning in to softly kiss her one more time, “You’re drunk, but the feeling’s mutual.”

Cindy looked at her with a smirk, “You do realize that you just kissed another woman in front of your boss. I think the argument could be made that you’re the drunk one.”

“Only if I’m drunk on you.”

Cindy’s heart flipped at the look in Emily’s eyes, “God, stop that! You’re quite literally charming the pants right off of me.”

Emily bit her lip, “I hope so.”

Cindy pulled away and started walking to her car, never taking her hand away from Emily’s. When they got into the relative silence of the garage, she slowed to walk beside Emily.

“What’s this about, Emily?”

Emily scrunched her eyebrows together, “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

“You do know what I mean,” Cindy leaned against the door of her car when they got close enough, “I’ll admit that when I first saw you, I was immediately attracted to you. You’re…stunning. But, I didn’t feel anything mutual coming from you. So, again I ask you, what’s this about?”

Emily closed her eyes, obviously gathering herself together, before moving to lean against the car next to Cindy.

“Emily?” The brunette looked up into Cindy’s warm brown eyes. “I don’t randomly sleep with women, but I really want to do this with you and I need you to talk to me.”

“Now I see why you’re a reporter. You could make a concrete wall spill its secrets.”

Cindy held her gaze, refusing to let her get away with it.

Emily held up her hands in surrender, “Alright, I give.” She took a deep breath before continuing, “I have this thing about not letting people in. It’s something I’ve always done. I don’t try to be this way. I just am, and sometimes it’s misunderstood.”

Cindy nodded, “With the job you do I imagine that’s helpful. You haven’t always been like that though. You had to become that way. It sounds like a survival tactic.”

“You could say that,” Emily fought the walls from instinctively coming up, slowly she told Cindy more, “My mother…she’s, how can I put this, really well-known in political circles. Okay, that’s an understatement. She IS politics. She’s an ambassador, and I spent my life hiding my feelings, who I am, because I didn’t want to harm my mother’s political career. I certainly didn’t want my life to become fodder for anyone to use against her. And depending on where we were stationed, it could have even been dangerous. To all of us. You were right, it is a survival tactic, and it just kind of stayed with me.”

“That’s a good start.”


“Yeah, start. There’s a lot more to your story than that, but I’ll let it slide for now.”

Emily laughed out loud at Cindy’s mock seriousness, “I tell you what, firecracker. I’ll tell you more when you tell me more about this thing with you and Inspector Boxer.”

Cindy’s eyes got big as saucers, “How did you…?”

Emily tilted her head to the side and cocked an eyebrow. Cindy buried her face in her hands, “God, I AM a terrible liar!”

“Yes, but you’re an adorable one.” Emily stopped all further conversation with a slow, deep kiss. Stepping back, walking backwards to her rental car, she smirked at Cindy, “I’ll follow you.”


Realizing she was driving in a haze, Cindy looked in her rearview mirror and could catch an outline of Emily with her hand resting on top of the wheel. She thought about those hands and the tips of her own fingers tingled. She gripped the wheel a little tighter and tried to will away the butterflies in her stomach. If Emily’s kisses were any indication, she was going to be lucky if she could walk tomorrow. Good God, Cindy thought. The images running through her head made her squirm.

“No pain, no gain, Thomas.”

She pulled up to her apartment and cut the engine, watching as Emily effortlessly got out behind her. Together, they walked to the door and Emily held back a laugh as Cindy fumbled, dropped, and fumbled again with her keys.

Cindy threw her keys on the kitchen counter and ran her hands through her hair, “Jesus, I’m really blowing this.”

“Hey,” Emily stepped up behind her, wrapping her arms around the smaller woman, “there’s nothing to prove here.”

Cindy leaned back, letting out a deep sigh, as she relaxed into the strong arms of the other woman. She noticed her body curved perfectly into Emily’s, Emily’s hips nestled just above her own and her breasts were distractedly brushing against Cindy’s shoulders.

“I didn’t expect you,” Emily whispered, as if she was talking to herself. “This. I never expected this. I compartmentalize everything and everyone. I did it partly to protect those I love, like my mom, but I did it to protect myself too. As long as I shut down, I couldn’t be disappointed or hurt. I don’t want to be hurt, but I don’t want to live like that anymore either. I can’t.”

Emily’s voice broke with emotion and Cindy turned in her arms. She reached up to push Emily’s hair away from her face, “You don’t have to guard yourself with me.”

“I want you to know. I did notice you, right away. It wasn’t that it wasn’t mutual. I just didn’t let you see it.” Cindy wrapped her arms around Emily’s neck, enjoying the feel of the dark hair running between her fingers.

“Better late than never,” she pulled the taller woman down and teased her lips with a soft kiss, until she parted her lips, letting Cindy in. Cindy closed her eyes, losing herself in a taste that was as complicated as the woman in her arms. She was a dichotomy. Sweet and salty, hard and soft, raw yet tender, pliant yet aggressive.

Cindy broke the kiss feeling overwhelmed with conflicting emotions. She wanted Emily. She wanted her in a hard, rough and tumble kind of way, but she wanted to feel the soft touches and kisses too. She wanted to take her time, memorize every sensation, and commit every kiss to memory. The animal part of her, however, some primitive beast rearing its ugly head after a few millenia of evolution, wanted to rip Emily’s skin tight shirt off with her teeth and leave marks down her milky white back.

She shook her head, looking into the dark eyes that simmered with a barely restrained desire. She traced a finger along Emily’s exposed collarbone and slowly slid it along the top curve of her breast, disappearing in the abyss of cleavage in front of her. She noticed the quick intake of breath from Emily and with a renewed sense of confidence, used her roaming hand to undo two buttons, her mouth following the trail of her touch.

Emily looked down at Cindy as her tongue snuck out to tease along the edge where her bra met skin. It was all she could stand. She pulled Cindy back up to look at her.

“Let’s take this to the bedroom.”

She followed Cindy down the hall, undoing a couple more buttons on her blouse as she went. Cindy turned and smiled at Emily, who was leaning against the door frame watching her, looking like she had stepped out of some cheesy lesbian romance novel.

“You know, I think I would be happy if you just stayed right there, never moved, and let me stare at you all day and all night.”

Emily pushed off the door frame, her voice low and slightly dangerous, “That’s all it would take to make you happy. Certainly Cindy Thomas needs more than that to be completely satisfied.”

Cindy gulped, “Well, I say ‘happy’ but you say ‘completely satisfied.’ Actually, those are very different concepts for me.”

“Hmmm, I’d hope so. Tell me, what would completely satisfy you, Cindy?” Emily sat on the bed and leaned back on her elbows so she could look up at Cindy.

“Would it be too trite to say you?”

“Under ordinary circumstances, I’d probably say yes. But this is anything but ordinary, and I intend to be the one and only thing that can satisfy you tonight.” Cindy felt the implication of the words hit her low.

“How do you propose to do that?” Emily sat up, pulling Cindy by the waist of her skirt so close that Emily could have licked her stomach if only she had stuck out her tongue. She ran her hands up the outside of Cindy’s thighs and under the skirt.

“Slowly and thoroughly, taking painstaking detail to leave no territory uncharted.” Emily’s fingers teased along the silk fabric of Cindy’s panties where it met the crease of her thighs. She slid the fabric down over Cindy’s thighs, helping her step out it.

Emily raised Cindy’s skirt and leaned over, nibbling at Cindy’s hipbone. Cindy couldn’t stop the automatic reaction of her body arching into Emily or her hands slipping into the dark hair to hold her in place.  Emily unzipped the skirt and quickly removed it, leaving a path of kisses following where her hands had been and then back up to Cindy’s stomach. The quick gasps and low, throaty moans were driving Emily crazy. She could feel a steady throbbing ache building inside her with each arch of Cindy’s body.

With one hand at the base of Cindy’s back, she held her in place while her other hand pushed up Cindy’s shirt, exposing more skin to Emily’s mouth. Cindy must have helped her at some point, because she didn’t remember unbuttoning or removing Cindy’s shirt, but she looked up to see the gorgeous redhead in nothing but a white lace bra, so stark and bright against the tan skin that it almost glowed.

She watched Cindy, head hanging down and red hair obstructing her face, while she gently stroked her nipples through the thin material. Cindy reached down and placed her own hand over Emily’s, applying the pressure where she wanted it, before reaching around behind her back to undo the snaps of her bra.

Emily watched in awe as Cindy put her own hands back on her breasts, guiding her fingertips over tightening nipples, and tugging on them. Placing a hand to the back of Emily’s neck, Cindy urged Emily to suck her breasts. Emily circled her tongue along the outside, teasing the nipple until it was painfully erect and then taking it into her mouth. Cindy’s head fell back at the sensation of Emily’s mouth on her.

“Oh Emily,” she moaned, “Mmmmm, harder.” Emily pulled her in deeper, until Cindy’s nails began to dig into her back. She let up and moved to the other breast until she got the same reaction. Wrapping her arms around Cindy’s waist, she effortlessly moved the smaller woman onto her lap then turned and laid her on the bed.

Kneeling over Cindy, Emily stripped off her shirt and quickly stood to take off her jeans, before sliding back up over Cindy’s body. Cindy pulled her down into a deep kiss. She nudged Emily’s head to the side and kissed along the base of Emily’s ear, letting her tongue tickle the sensitive spot behind her earlobe. Emily let out a shuddering sigh. She felt Cindy guide her hips to the side until she was straddling one of her thighs and when Cindy moved her kisses back up along her neck, her thigh involuntarily slid along Emily’s wetness.

“Oh God…Cindy,” she pushed down to increase the friction. They built up a steady rhythm, until Emily buried her head in Cindy’s neck, “Oh Cindy.”

Cindy groaned with need but she wasn’t quite ready yet. She pulled back and deliberately removed the contact of her thigh, only to replace it with two fingers effortlessly sliding inside Emily. Reaching down, she grabbed Emily’s hand showing her she needed her touch. When Emily entered her, she leaned up whispering in Emily’s ear, “More.”

Cindy wrapped a leg around Emily’s waist giving her better access, “Is that good?” Emily panted.

“God, yes,” Cindy sighed in perfect contentment, her body working on automatic pilot as the pressure inside her built up, her hips and hand moving in sync with Emily’s thrusting fingers. Each watched the other, gasping and panting, muscle and bone burning and aching for release. With her free hand, Cindy wrapped her fingers in Emily’s hair and pulled her into a kiss, muffling the sound of their screams.

wmc, cm, emily/cindy, criminal minds, women's murder club

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