Mar 12, 2006 00:45
So, Anna was randomly in DC this evening for a school church conference thing, so we kidnapped her from the field trip and she spent the evening with me and my family. Baby Brother John had a concert/gig thing, where he was playing in a back-up orchestra for a piano recital, so we all went out to dinner, then to the concert. There was much silliness at dinner, most memorably when the waitress was taking drink orders and my dad said "We're all water people," and the ordered a coke within the next two minutes, prompting Baby Brother John to say "We're all coke people," which was funny. After that, we drove to the concert, the highlight of which was two little girls in the audience, about ages 6 and 2 or 3, who were ballet dancing in the back of the auditorium and were adorable. When I started giggling at their general cuteness, my dad took advantage of my silly mood to say random things and make me start laughing hysterically, the highlight of which was the word "tourniquet," which is still making me giggle right now. He also said "squirrel head on a stick," in reference to a conversation we had earlier today in which he announced a plan to keep squirrels out of the yard by capturing some, beheading them, and mounting their heads on spikes in the front yard. John was most impressed with this when I explained it to him later.
After the show, we went to Tysons II to get dessert at the Cheesecake Factory, where general silliness reigned- there was about an hour wait, so Anna and Baby Brother John and I wandered the mall, discussing various subjects including piracy, sexual orientation (during which several inappropriate things were not said) and John's future career as "The coolest guy in the world" (which was shortly followed by a discussion of my future career as "The coolest guy in the world's sister"). And then we talked about how I used to dress John up in skirts, and how he used to duct tape Barbies to the front of toy cars and smash them into walls.
By the time we actually got into the restaurant. The highlight of this part - aside from the passion fruit iced tea - was a conversation in which John was attempting to write a limerick about cheesecake, except he got mixed up and was composing in iambic pentameter, so I told him he was writing a sonnet about cheesecake instead. My Dad, at this point, asked if John was writing a rap about cheesecake and offered the opening line "Cheesecake is really good." I then composed the rest of the rap, which went like this: "Cheesecake is really good. Motherfuckers." Because I actually said this out loud, audibly, in a public place, in front of my parents, and also because it was really funny, Anna and John and I totally cracked up, in the laughing so hard we were crying sense. In fact, I was almost not able to say it, because I was laughing so hard at just having thought it that I couldn't breathe. Up until my mom was like... "Um...what did I just hear you say?" And then we laughed some more. There was much laughter tonight.