May 15, 2010 19:08
It's hard to believe we've been on clinics for nearly a month already. I just finished Community Practice. I have a lot I could say, but I am too tired to say it. Suffice it to say, the days were long, I saw a little bit of everything, and I found that I am excellent with clients, and need to work on my communication with clinicians. I tend to want to tell the whole story instead of a succinct, "just the facts, Ma'am" report, and so I need to focus better in that area.
Tomorrow I have emergency duty and then I will start a week of Emergency Medicine. I am somewhat intimidated by the fast pace of ER, but maybe it will work well given that I am often told my energy level is so much higher than normal. Please, god, don't let there be any ventilator cases--boring to the max times three.
veterinar medicine