Apr 27, 2010 06:59
Yesterday was the first day of clinics. I am on the Community Practice rotation,
which is basically doing well visits, vaccines, spay and neuter, and dentals for
the staff and students of the university (not necessarily vet school people, just
university associated).
Mondays are dental day, and gosh was it BORING! It probably would not have been
so boring except that one of the patients was a dog with an allergy to plaque
and so she had to have every tooth in her mouth removed. This took SEVEN hours.
Blah. My feet, and actually my knees now that I think about it, hurt soooo bad
by the end of the day.
Today we are actually taking appointments. I know I can do just fine, but they
are videotaping us so we can then discuss our communication skills, or lack
thereof, and I can't help feeling that my communication would be much better if
I was not so nervous about having every mannerism and word I say taped.
Anyway, it's off to the factory. Have a good day!
vet school