That's Joy Lauren Adams, who is Catherine's Chief candidate. Wonder if she's also Callie's love interest? They look like they'd positively awful together.
Heck, if the speculation re: the doctor from Derek's death ep is correct, and she's for Callie (another perfect choice in that it shows Shonda doesn't actually WANT Calzona to click with others), maybe this person with Arizona?
That's assuming Bailey doesn't actually get Chief, which is still my prediction. That still feels like something that should happen at the end of the series (presuming the plan isn't for that person - the last Chief we see - to be Meredith, as I'm still expecting Mer has/will have Alzheimers).
Yeah, I don't think we'll find "chemistry" with Callie paired with either.
BTW, what do you make of those pics of Arizona with DeLuca in front of that bulletin board? Some speculate they'll end up roomies since there are a couple of prominent adds for roommates in apartments on the bulletin board.
To be honest, I was so busy loving the looks between them that I didn't even notice the background. He's adorable and really could be considered a perfect mix of Derek/Mark. And Jess looks really engaged in their scene, which is nice to see. So I was focussed on those things.
You know, the first time I saw a pic of him at the end of season 11 (I refused to watch after the break up in 11x05) I thought he was like a younger version of Mark. I do recall people who watched him in the episodes saying that he kind of looked like he kept looking/checking Arizona out. I do think it would be funny if the lesbian character had a male intern who had a little lovesick puppy crush on her. Honestly, I didn't notice the bulletin thing because I was also too busy giving Jessica the googly eyes lol. It took other people who are a bit more observant to those things for me to look and put the idea in my head.
That would be too cute for him to have a crush on her. I think Arizona and Owen are going to end up living together. One of the spoilers said he finds himself living with someone he didn't expect to.
He could be Derek/Mark love child! You never know, the timeline being as it is, GSMH has jumped 20 years into the future and none of "the originals" have aged at all?! There's also an ad on the bulletin board for piano lessons. Maybe he "child shares" too?
LOL how does one tell if there is Chemistry by a photo? In the first pic they are standing rather closely together clearly engaged in Conversation. There is no use saying everyone else sucks and won't have chemistry when Shonda herself has already said Callie falls for someone else. Not that that means anything for Calzona potentially but I don't know people are so against Callie moving on. She actually by the sounds of it ends up happy
To describe chemistry is to be able describe the undescribable. It's something you either feel or you don't when you see/watch two people. Shonda has said so many things throughout and rarely is she right. She said Jo and Alex were perfect and yet there are so many who lift their eyebrows in disbelief. She said that last season would be so great, exciting and interesting and there have been countless who have toppled season 4 off of the pedestal of worst seasons and replaced it with season 11. Just because Shonda says something doesn't mean that the audience will believe as the writers and Shonda have a history of not pulling off what they say they will.
I understand what chemistry is, I don't understand from a photo how we're to say oh they look like they'd be horrible together.
Fact is Shonda is the show. She can do what she likes and her interpretations may be different to ours but ultimately she'll do what she likes. If she had any love for Calzona left she'd put them back together.
As I said to you the other night in our DM's. I think the 'spoilers' if they're true suck and Arizona gets a raw deal, this Bi Phobic stuff is ridiculous but I also think it's stupid to look at a picture and say oh they'd make a terrible couple. FACTS actually are Callie is moving on. It's not just been said by Shonda. I've found the last few seasons to be horrible but I'm one out of a million that watch it, and because I stayed for Calzona and Arizona it's natural I'd not like it but there are millions that hate Arizona or Calzona and have probably thought the last couple season's were brilliant.
I don't want to get into the Callie/Arizona debate too much. I will say I don't hate either character, and I haven't hated the past few seasons. Will I acknowledge that what I think they've been trying to do hasn't translated well on screen? Definitely. But I still applaud them for trying.
As to the chemistry issue: What I mean in saying you can see chemistry through a photo is that I get a sense that the people in the photo are genuinely engaged in their interaction. I've seen photos of actors, and other celebs, that clearly seem to be 'posing for the cameras.' That's what I'm getting at. Jessica & Giacomo genuinely seem to be enjoying having a scene together.
Sara, in all these photos, looks to me like she's going through the motions.
I wasn't wanting to get into a Callie/Arizona debate - I was simply wondering how you say these two suck as a couple without knowing anything about it. Sure I get what you're saying re Chemistry to a point - the pic with Arizona and this new character they are fully engaged - but the photo with Callie and new woman - clearly they're interrupted, but for all we know away from whatever they're doing they could be amazingly awesome together.
It doesn't pay to judge too quickly after all it's been 3 years and 2 years since Callie and Arizona were together and we're getting information saying they won't be (for now anyway)
I didn't think you hated the last few seasons either, that was in reply to another comment.
Perhaps you don't and perhaps others are able to see it. It's a matter of personal taste. My personal opinion is I don't. If I had never seen the show, but saw a pic of Callie and George or Callie and Erica I'd feel the same. I do not see a certain something when they are beside each other
( ... )
Heck, if the speculation re: the doctor from Derek's death ep is correct, and she's for Callie (another perfect choice in that it shows Shonda doesn't actually WANT Calzona to click with others), maybe this person with Arizona?
That's assuming Bailey doesn't actually get Chief, which is still my prediction. That still feels like something that should happen at the end of the series (presuming the plan isn't for that person - the last Chief we see - to be Meredith, as I'm still expecting Mer has/will have Alzheimers).
BTW, what do you make of those pics of Arizona with DeLuca in front of that bulletin board? Some speculate they'll end up roomies since there are a couple of prominent adds for roommates in apartments on the bulletin board.
Honestly, I didn't notice the bulletin thing because I was also too busy giving Jessica the googly eyes lol. It took other people who are a bit more observant to those things for me to look and put the idea in my head.
Fact is Shonda is the show. She can do what she likes and her interpretations may be different to ours but ultimately she'll do what she likes. If she had any love for Calzona left she'd put them back together.
As I said to you the other night in our DM's. I think the 'spoilers' if they're true suck and Arizona gets a raw deal, this Bi Phobic stuff is ridiculous but I also think it's stupid to look at a picture and say oh they'd make a terrible couple. FACTS actually are Callie is moving on. It's not just been said by Shonda. I've found the last few seasons to be horrible but I'm one out of a million that watch it, and because I stayed for Calzona and Arizona it's natural I'd not like it but there are millions that hate Arizona or Calzona and have probably thought the last couple season's were brilliant.
As to the chemistry issue: What I mean in saying you can see chemistry through a photo is that I get a sense that the people in the photo are genuinely engaged in their interaction. I've seen photos of actors, and other celebs, that clearly seem to be 'posing for the cameras.' That's what I'm getting at. Jessica & Giacomo genuinely seem to be enjoying having a scene together.
Sara, in all these photos, looks to me like she's going through the motions.
It doesn't pay to judge too quickly after all it's been 3 years and 2 years since Callie and Arizona were together and we're getting information saying they won't be (for now anyway)
I didn't think you hated the last few seasons either, that was in reply to another comment.
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