OK ........ Halloween Par-Tay 2009: Shout Out To "Deal Or No Deal" LADY DI!!

Nov 02, 2009 00:30

HAYYYYY!! OK ........ I have to send a HUGE shout out to the Legendary LADY DI for her fantastic Halloween Par-Tay on Saturday night! What our little Martha Stewart mixed with Monte Hall [and a sprinkle of Donald Trump] can do with her carport is AMAZING! There were tables, chairs, spooky music, and spiderwebs everywhere! Not to mention some really good eats.

Now you know the Divas of Hackberry were bringing it to the runway for this par-tay! We had the Divine Red Hatter [Miss Peggy], Miss Halloween Festivities 2009 [Miss Anne], a former go-go dancer from READY, SET, GO [the goddess Cindy - as I have been instructed to call her], and pure, not refined, White Trash [Miss Gina]! Speaking of Miss G, I would like to show some pics from the party, but guess who has not sent them to Call Him Miss Ross? :) As for the THE DIVA, the look went as follows: Converse sneakers, Craftsman overalls, dark blue thermal shirt, and THE HAT:

Dear readers, due to my "voice of an angel," and the fact that I worked for several years with the USO in Serbia and lower Antarctica, the diva is often asked to perform at dinner parties, social gatherings, and even Target openings. Well, last nights par-tay was no exception. During a short lived lull in the conversation, I was dragged to the mainstage and performed my version of Kim Zolciak's classic, "Tardy For The Party." Although my time on stage was short [uh hello Lady DI?!?!], the applause was deafening!

Once again, LADY DI, thanks for a great time!

Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice ........

ok ........ the hackberry divas!

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