
Jun 22, 2005 12:46

That there is good Sark/Sydney fic out there. Shiny, stylistically superb, and new (at least, to me). I've never read this author's work before and I'm ashamed to admit that I dared not read it too closely because I'm currently writing fic and there is a danger of becoming so jealous of others' talent that one becomes entirely blocked. However, I skimmed this (even though I wanted to sink into it because it is wonderful) and even that convinced me I haven't read anything so elegant--intelligent, precise, lucid--in a long while.

Title: No Man's Land (3 parts)
Author: the_grynne
Fandom: Alias
Pairing: Sydney/Sark
Spoilers: None. AU S3
terms | lines | and casualties of war

Now, off to wrestle with my own fic demons.

ETA: I'm still a little vertiginous from yesterday's Car Ride from Hell, but the bouts of vomiting and the shaking have passed. Thank goodness.
ETA 2: I probably should have mentioned this yesterday, but I was too ill to type much. EDA!L still has a job, but his pride is hurt as a result of the reprimands handed down to all of them by the Big Bosses for the mistakes of others. Apparently, the summer associates that have been unjustly maligned through guilt by association have become quite wary of what seems to be a culture of collective criticism and censure. And they are surprised why? This is no different from law school.*eg*

::sigh:: I suppose I should attempt to ingest something other than Snapple popsicles and juice boxes. That nausea just won't seem to go away and my appetite stubbornly refuses to return. Woe.

alias, recs

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