please pray.......

Mar 20, 2009 18:54


taken from a missionary:

>Greetings all, (last week)
>A prayer request today for the Albanian may have heard
>on the news, but about noon today, buildings outside of Tirana that
>housed old munitions (from the 1940's), exploded. Actually, there
>were several explosions, as one would set off the next. The boys
>and I were at home and heard it, as well as felt the shock wave pass
>through the building. We didn't know, for some time, what had
>happened. Bob and the girls were at youth group, and Bob said he
>'saw' a sudden gust of wind, and wondered what was happening. News
>reports it was heard/felt even in surrounding countries. As the
>tragedy has unraveled, it seems that over 240 people have been
>injured, some critically. Reports are unclear about how many people
>were working in the plant, some say 60, others 80. Some reports say
>that American workers may have been in the plant also--we don't know.
>Undoubtedly, many lives were lost. There was much destruction in
>the whole area of Vlore. (For those of you who have been here in
>Albania--it happened outside of Tirana, on the way to Durres, near
>where the exit to the airport is.) With their limited resources,
>surely the hospitals are struggling to meet the needs of the
>wounded. I was struck repeatedly today by the longing to 'do'
>something to help--often what we want to do in any disaster. The
>Lord repeatedly answered.....'Call on Me." We were able to be here
>to comfort and encourage staff, some who were deeply
>affected. Praying with some of the women who were working this
>evening, they just wept. We cannot communicate enough to speak very
>many words of comfort...but words really cannot comfort
>we are praying the Lord's presense would descend on this nation and
>this situation, and that His peace and comfort would be clearly seen
>and touch the many who mourn. Please join us.

>Update today:
>Thank you, so much, for your prayers and notes of concern. We
>thought we should give you an update of what has been happening here
>in the aftermath of the explosions on Saturday. On Monday, the
>Defense Minister resigned, as the task of destroying the old
>munitions fell under his Ministry. The oppostion party has been
>calling for the resignation of the Prime Minister, but he has
>adamently refused. The latest report states that 17 have died with
>over 300 injured. Five to ten are still reported
>missing. Artillery shells were blown over an area of 2,500
>acres!! Three hundred homes were reported destroyed, and over 2,000
>more homes and business were damaged.
>I was discussing the explosion with a missionary friend, Kurt, who
>has a Bible college here in Sauk. He said that their guard's family
>had six people killed, and the family of their maintenance person
>had four people killed. They said that there were 300 people
>working in the building that day, and they suspect that the
>government is covering up the actual number of dead. There are also
>rumors of both arms smuggling and selling the shells for scrap
>metal. There were reports that there were Americans working in the
>building, but we heard recently that an American company had been
>awarded a contract to help with the work, but had subcontracted it
>to an Albanian company. So, as far as we know, there were no
>Americans working there.
>Please join us in keeping the people of Albania in your
>prayers. Even people who were not directly affected are still
>saddened by this accident.

Thank you.
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