ne Te adhurojme.........

Mar 10, 2009 00:33

So last Sunday my pastor's sermon really convicted me, and i said that i would post about it, and never did. As it is almost time for another sermon, i thought it might be good to do so now.

Basically he preached, probably amongst other things which my sleep addled brain doesn't want to bother grasping right now, about salvation, and how we might feel if wer know someone died wtih out knowing Jesus, and we never told them. This really kind of hit me- as there are many people in my life that I probably do not share my faith with sufficiently. No, i still do not believe in being a Bible basher- forcing, badgering, or annoying people into the faith. i would not join the crusades, were they to occur today. However, perhaps i ought to more often share it in love, and talk about it. This isn't necessarily a comfort zone (i'm one of the few people i know who could score a zero for evangelism on a spiritual gifts test) but the best part is that i don't have to be comfortable. God is sufficient.

See in my faith God isn't a Being Who is interested in forcing a person into belief, or damning them to hell. God is a Being Who grants us free will as a choice, and really wants us to make the right one. He is a God Who, when man sinned and distanced himself from God (for which the punishment was seperation from Him), sent a final, permanent Sacrificial Lamb to atone for the sins of all mankind once and for all. It was a Lamb He Loved dearly, as His Only Begotten Son. Thing on it, God sent His Child to suffer and excruciating death and be condemned to set us free. All He asks in return is that we confess our sins and believe in Him and in this sacrifice, it's like the decision to actually reach out and grab the brightly wrapped present your dearest relative is holding out to you on your birthday. There is no real effort involved on your part, you didn't pick it, you didn't wrap it, and you won't be responsible for paying it off as time passes. You do have to decide to reach out and take it, however, and a polite thank You and a closer relationship should, and often do, result from it.

Lod, may i be a more accessible and useful witness for You. Amen.

i'll stop my livejournal proselytizing now, and beg your pardon for it. However i've, in the past, explained it this way when trying to explain why people shouldn't be offended or mad when a friend tries to witness. If there were a giant spike filled chasm in front of you, and two bridges across it, and your friend honestly believed that she knew which bridge was the only safe way across, wouldn't you be more offended if she didn't try to tell you, at least once? So i try never to be annoying, or forceful, or rude, but i do occasionally just want to try to talk to people about it. If anyone ever wants to ask questions, discuss, or debate religion (which i love doing anyway) just let me know.

okay off to sleep now for this little princess and her giant dragon friend.

God bless!!!!!!!!!,

-mindy calissta7
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