BPAL: Lupercalia 2006

Feb 20, 2006 20:48

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  • Khajuraho, 19 February 2006
    This is honey and sandalwood on first application, with a strong floral note behind it. It's pretty and musky, but quite strong.

    As it dries, I get more of a creamy floral note, though the honey and rose stays dominant in the blend. It's warm and golden, overall, and the sweetness isn't cloying so much as intriguing. I didn't expect to like this blend so much, but it's definitely a keeper.

  • Luperci, 30 January 2006
    In the bottle and on first application, this is sweet honey and musk, with a hint of earthiness behind it. It's much lighter than I expected, and nothing about the blend screams patchouli or honey at me, and I was nervous about both of those notes.

    As this dries, it retains the initial sweet earthiness, but it takes on an outdoorsy glow, golden and a little dry. It's very light on me, something I'd need to slather, but it's lovely close to the skin. It's really starting to grow on me.

  • Night's Pavilion, 20 February 2006
    This wasn't really on my radar until I noticed a few reviews comparing this to Blue Moon, which I wouldn't have guessed from the description. Sure enough, on first application, I get a sweet cucumber note that is strongly reminiscent of Blue Moon.

    As it dries, I begin to catch the lily--I'm not familiar with osmanthus, so I can't discern that note. The musk begins to come out as well, but the overall blend stays cool and sweet. There's a light smokiness behind it all that I suspect is the frankinscence. This is a lovely white floral on me, and definitely a keeper.

  • Parlement of Foules, 20 February 2006
    At first, this is all resin, with barely detectable rose. Eek! I was hoping for more rose in this, as resins tend to make me sneeze.

    As it dries, the resin mellows to a strong, golden glow, and the freshness of the rose starts to appear. Over time, the balance becomes more even, but the resins are always predominant on me. Alas!

  • The Perfumed Garden, 19 February 2006
    What an odd scent--but in a good way! In the bottle, it's all apple peel to me, but on application, I get myrrh and musk, sweetened by apple. It's alternately cool and incensey when I sniff it, lovely in each, but never both at the same time. It's bright, but not warm. There's also a strong dollop of musk, to my nose, that's surprisingly animalistic.

    I don't get strong jasmine, but it's definitely there. This is amazingly complex on me, lush and green and enchanting. I don't know what to make of it, but I'm definitely going to hang onto it until I figure it out.

  • Red Lantern, 30 January 2006
    On first application, this does remind me of Misk U a little bit. There's rich, creamy caramel and a faint boozy note. The overall blend is rounded by the fruits--the black currant is what I notice first, but gradually, it's smoothed out by the coconut. They never take over the blend, though.

    This is a light and sweet scent, but smoky as well, and complex enough that I'm hard-pressed to stop sniffing my wrist. It's not cloying, and it's not overpowering. It's warm and spicy, with the barest touch of cream. It's intoxicating. It's sensual. I love it.

  • Smut, 11 February 2006
    In the bottle, this actually strikes me as kind of grape-ish. Weird. On first application, however, it's super-sweet, like coarse sugar melting behind my teeth. And I mean that in a really good way. *g* There's an echo of vanilla to the scent as well, though I can never pin it down long enough to say for certain.

    As it dries, it gets earthier, but never loses its heady sweetness. Oddly, I don't get boozy notes from this at all--it's earthy musk and sugar, rolled into one. It's definitely a bold and slinky sort of scent, one that winks at you as it passes by. Brava!

Updated 20 February 2006.


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