BSG 2.16: Sacrifice

Feb 11, 2006 05:08

Battlestar Galactica 2.16: Sacrifice

This is all out of order. Sorry!
  • Let this be clear: I like Dualla. Very much. That said:

  • OMG BILLY NOOOOO I LOVE YOU! I would marry you and your stupid debate club ring!

    Except that, no, I would totally choose Lee over you because I am that way. Though, Lee is clearly emo and man-painy, and you are stable and adorable and long-termy. Then again, I have no interest in long-term IRL, so even given that, I would choose Lee over you.

    But FICTIONALLY I would marry you, Billy! TOTALLY. *weepz*

  • Okay. I do not think Dualla was being sluttish or whatever, because there is NOTHING wrong with seeing two people at the same time, and Lee is hot, and clearly she was just not that into Billy. Yeah? BUT.

    It seems also clear Billy was that into her, and thought she was that into him, because even Billy at his dumbest is not dumb enough to propose within the context of a casual relationship. So. Dualla was being mean by not telling him--but it was not mean to break up with him.

    Finally, um. I hope this was her first ever official date with Apollo, because if they've been getting together and talking about her awkward relationship with Billy all this time? Then I will hate them. AND ONLY THEN.

  • I was spoiled. I knew Billy would die. And that still was heart-breaking.

    If Billy died just to clear the way for Lee/Dualla? That is stupid and wasteful, because ::eyeroll::.

    If Billy died to further isolate Laura Roslin? I can live with that.

  • On to happier things! For example, I loooooove the idea of Kara partying on her own, looking smoking hot, and with nobody we know about. Since, y'know, Kat was not amongst the list of Galactica peeps on Cloud 9.

  • I liked the opening scene. (As I seem to be doing this commentary out of order. Whatever.) It was nicely claustrophobic, although I guess there's a paper mill ship somewhere out there? Um.

    And I'd be more excited about Dana Delaney, except I most recently saw her in Exit to Eden, and that does not quite translate to this role in my brain.

  • Where are Six and Baltar? I miss Six and Baltar!

    Though, Gina must have been laughing her ass off. Seriously.

  • "They're all good men."

    Oh, Billy. You are sassy in the times before your death.

  • Oh! I kind of loved Ellen in this episode, too. I mean, she is not a good tactician at all, but "People like us"? BWAHAHA! TAKE THAT, MAN-PAINY LEE.

    And she was all excited about tapping some Captain Adama ass, too. Aw, Ellen. ♥!

  • Why are they drinking things with dry ice in them? Isn't that poisonous?

  • If I was Sharon, I'd be tired of walking from my cell to the Admiral's quarters just to answer one stupid question. SERIOUSLY. He couldn't have walked over to her cell and asked, "It's a good idea to stay away from obvious ambushes, right?"

  • Hey, no Helo in this episode! Bah! Or Chief! Or deck crew! Bah and double bah!

  • Why were Lee and Kara both on leave at once? That seems dumb. Or wait, is one of them still assigned to Pegasus?

  • LEE STAY DOWN WHEN PEOPLE ARE SHOOTING GUNS. Dumbass. Lee is good with tactics, but not so smart with the skirmishes, sometimes.

  • Though, poor Kara. Doomed to kill the Adama family, one son at a time.

  • And poor Laura! Ohhhh. *is sad*

  • Then again, how did Billy die right away like that? Methinks BSG needs its medical consultant back, stat.

  • Billy's "I'm here with friends," stomp-off was heartbreaking, because he totally wasn't. He walked into the bar, thinking he was all smooth, and what? He runs into Dualla, and then he finds out she's been seeing someone else. AND THEN HE DIES.

  • Hey, who's going to be Laura's assistant now? She used to have a whole room of them, didn't she?

  • Go Tigh! I mean, I am happy about the preservation of Sharon, because I like Sharon, but he's right. Adama should probably find someone else to do his stupid interrogations that are stupid.

  • I am just waiting for the angsty fic in which we see Lee's thoughts as he is shot, and as he lies there, bleeding, he looks at Kara and thinks, I forgive you, Kara. I looooooove y--

  • Plot-wise, I'm glad this episode was better than the last couple. There was thematic continuity! Or something. Anyway, we continue to see that the civilians of the fleet are pissed off. I like that it's not going away, even though I think they're being dumb about it.
In conclusion, I still love all the characters. And I am sad Billy is dead.

battlestar galactica

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