Jul 07, 2005 23:59
Another wonderful summer night with the love of my life. <3 Lol. Woke up around 100 && my baybe got ready && came over. We just layed around for a few cauz he was being a meanie! Of course he was joking, but I still got down! =[ Lol. Thenn we went outside && swam && played basketball. He kept filling buckets of water up && throwing them at me. It felt good though! =] Then he left to go out to eat, I was supposed to go but being my lazyy self I didn't get readyy. I feel bad though, cauz I really wanted to, I hate being even 20 minutes without him. Soo I ate dinner at my house, then he came back. We snuggled && played with my little cousin. Then we watched him in the poool. Awhh I swear little kids are the cutestt. OMGSH before I forget- My cousin found this spider && he picked it up && is keeping it. He put it in a little bag. He goes "Wanna see my spider?" So me && Kyle are like sure, and he brings it && its REAL!! CRAWLING IN THE BAG!! Omg, I was soo scared!! He all picks it up with his hands && plays with it. Hahh. =/ Weiirdoo! Then we watched the ending of Big Fat Liar && then Saving Private Ryan, once of Kyle's faaves! Lol. Then he hadda leave early tonight cauuz he has football in the morning. Oh well, I'll get to see him ALLLL day tomorrow. Tomorrow, I have to babysit later in the night, so I think Krista's coming over. Plus she might have her friend Alex or someone over && then of course my love Kyle!! <3 Lol. But yeah.. I'll update later!! Actually, tomorrow!
But fiirst just wanna sayy. I love how BEST FRIENDS fuck over their best friend. For real, now seeing you have a "boyfriend" you have no time to hang out with me. Yes, I know I was like that at first when I started going out with Kyle. But now Kyle && I make days to where we hang out with JUST our friends for a few hours && stuff. We don't just FORGET our other friends. I see Kyle 24/7 && you see Chris pretty much every second of the day also. I'm sure you can spare a few hours outta your day. I've made many attempts to hang out with you, even when you say I will but not if Kyle's there. Well, I've made plans with you when Kyle wouldn't be there. You DITCHED me every time. We'll see when school starts up && you have NO friends cauz you lose all the ones you do have cauz you have no time for anyone. What happens when you guys break up? You're gonna want ME there for you, which I probably won't be. If you don't have time for me now, you won't later. I don't give a fuck if that sounds mean either. I'm DONE trying Jac! You want to hang out with me, YOU can call me or talk to me online. What I should do is say "Oh yeah Jac, sounds good, we'll do that tomorrow." Then not answer MY phones && ignore YOUR messages online. Hmm, see how you like that one. You think everythings SOO perfect now, wait && see when you have no one. YOUR OWN MOM even calls me && tells me to try to make you hang out with me. But your stubborn && want nothing to do with anyone but CHRIS. I'm not even saying hang out for a whole fricken day, I'm saying maybe even just a couple hours.. It's your turn now, I'm not even gonna try anymore.