i got another confession to make, im no fool...

Jul 05, 2005 14:33

Yesterday was a great day with my babyy. Except for the rain!! He came over around like 200ish? We were outside for a little but it got too hott so we went in && watched Coach Carter. Actually a really good movie, seeing I don't really like movies except for chic flicks but I liked this one a lot. Then we grilled for my family && ate, soo yummyy! He hadda leave for like an hr. but he got back at like, well I forgot. Lol. Then we went to return movies, I drove!! Then we went && bought some fireworks. =] Then got ready, stopped at Kyle's so he could change, went to Adriens for a little, then we left for the fireworks!! We had to park at the 711 down there. We walked at least a mile && a half. But it was pooring rain && you could literally squeeze our clothes && water would pour out of them. We decided to leave before the fireworks cauz it was kinda gay, so we left && came back to my house && ate pizza. It was just a great dayy with my love. No fighting at all. It was perfect!! Then he stayed until almost 100. Cauz a storm came && he knows I'm scared of them so he stayed to save me! =] That boy is amazing! I love him with all my heart!!

Today I woke up around 100 && took a shower. Did my hair, make up, etc. Thenn I atee && here I am. Tonight me && Kyle are going out to eat && then to the movies. Awhh, I'm soo excited! Spending the dayy with my babyy! =] Who knows whats going on after that, prolly chillin with him thoughh! =]

I love you S00 much Kyle!! =]
you got the best of mee <3
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