NAme: Callie / Callifornia
Age: 15
Male/ Female: Female
Birthday: 1/18/90
Food: Veal Francaise
Band: Jimmy Buffett
color: Turqoise/yellow
song: Pitiful - Blindside
Stores: AE, Pac Sun, Nordstrom, BC Surf&Sport, Sephora
Quote: The best things in life aren't things.
Write 5 sentences on why you want to join.:
I'd like to join because it seems like a fun, easygoing community. I'd bring a new personality to it too. I also just took a trip to Cali, and completely feel in love with the state. I'm also a promo whore. And communities just give me something to do.
Why should you be accepted?
Re: above.
Do you like Laguna Beach?
Loves it!
Do you like the OC?
Do you live at the beach or are you a stay home kinda person?
I live about 6 min. from the beach so I'm there on early release days with my friends and on the weekends mostly too.
Also if you have seen the OC/Laguna Beach who is your favrite charecter and why?
OC: Seth, I love how quirky and cute he is the funniest way. He gives the show more personality. LB: Sam. Lmao. I know he was in the show like, twice but he's so fricken' hot!
Whats the most expensive piece of clothing you own?
Haha, I'm not really into expensive clothing but uh, I guess my Lucky Brand Jeans. They were like, $140 or something. Or my FCUK dress but I dunno if that counts, it was like, 300 or something.
Would you rather spend money on one expensive outfit or a bunch of cheaper ones?
A bunch of cheaper ones man!!
Are you a bargain hunter?
Eh, so-so. If I'm low on cash. But if I see a sale rack I'll definately check it out.
who is your favorite designer?
BCBG, classy and sexy.
Whats your opinion on..... (5 sentence minimum)
Matching your undergarmets?
Haha, I won't lie. I don't match them. Unless I'm going on a date with some hot guy.
Knock offs?
I've bought knock off Chanel earrings before, I think it's okay if it's not totally stupid like the fake Louis' that don't even look like them.
Britney Spears?
Let her do her thing. She's young and hot.
Abercomie and Fitch?
I like the store and I have some stuff from there, but not a buttload of stuff like everyone else I know.
The punk rock trend?
Isn't that over already?
Pictures of you(minimum of 3and please lj cut!)
I know picture phones kind of suck.