Jan 24, 2017 16:18
Today was another good day, both re: riding and work. I am going to try some IT band stretches in my YFC book since my quad stretches aren't seeming to help hehe. As I was reading my Stephen King book, I realized that the generation in which you are w/ your spouse (struggling and that) has passed and that ppl like my nephew won't go through that since.... well the other person would leave.
For the 1st time in my Biggest Loser history, Idk if I am going to watch the season airing this year. I read articles from last year stating abuse and just find it unjustifiable that Bob is accused of giving contestants Ephedrane ( sp?) pills from season 5 on, while Jillian faced backlash for her caffeine pills thing from a few seasons ago. There's also diet things and stuff w/ Dr. H that are troubling too....
winter biking,
work stuff,