Work and other stuff

Dec 22, 2018 14:41

Work this week has been ok, yesterday had some stressful issues which is why I got my Wendy's usual. I only get Christmas off next week so today, I got a ride w/ my Mom to Target for snacks ( Triscuit, kettle chips and NutThins), dinners, new breakfast of KIND granola peanut butter flavor, new lunch ( puff pastry hotdogs w/ Parmesan cheese, Caraway seeds,poppy seeds and sesame seeds), new snack of GF pretzels and coat hooks ( have to wait til next week to get the stud finder at Walmart during my Aquaman venture but get to look into the new SlimFast Keto fat bombs ( kind of an oxymoron but hey if it tastes good!). I wanted to find the Keto/ Paleo Kitchen book at Target but couldn't ( but did find 5 others including Simply Keto which I might get if I look online ( know I can get it for less than Target's $28!).

I have decided on trying out carb cycling instead of keto n regular eating habits. It has keto features ( protein, meat n veggies everyday, watch sugars n carbs, try healthier alternatives re: baking, snacking and cooking) but let's you have pizza, breads, rice and fruit/ nuts as long as it's within your calories for that day. I am going to have my high carb days be workdays, my medium carb day be my day off ( I still do errands )/ workout day and low carb days are the ones in between ( and can be keto meals). I hope my calculator site I used to factor everything in works better than my 3 macro sites w/ hugely varying amounts haha! Pita chips,Mr Cheese Cheesy O's and Quest bars all suck so hopefully February's buying of Shrewd Food, Simple Mills crackers and trying out that chocolate bark recipe end up being better.

I finished the latest season of TRAVELERS ( last 3 episodes were so good!) and wanted to find something that grabbed my attention in the same way by watching the 1st episode ( before passing): The Protector, 3%, The Hookup plan, Terrorism Close Calls,The Paleo Way, passed on movies after 10 mins in: Yes or No, North Star but only liked 22 July about the Oslo, Norway massacre in 2011 complete w/ trial proceedings and updates on the survivors and the suspect. Might watch 21 Sarfarosh 1897 (about Afghan/Indian war) later before the IceHogs game.

I hope I have fixed my bike seat issue by pushing the nose up a little/ moving seat forward and therefore, my right hip pain I have been having all week long ends up better next week.

Update: 12/23/18: 7:43 AM: As my Mom and I were leaving for the IceHogs game, I looked at the Tix and saw that the date was for a Saturday,the 23rd but it was for NEXT March hehe. So got to relax and then get pissed off as we were watching the Ravens/ Chargers game live last night ( penalties, sacks and the fact that we just didn't play well at all, ie Gates fumbling the ball which led to a Ravens TD). I am hoping to get in a longer workout today (by doing it B4 the dogs cause probs) of hip thrusts, GB, GBP, planks, BirdDog,frog kicks and my Arm and Back routine. Then using my heating pad on my glutes hopefully for the last weekend and watching the 2nd half of 21 Sarfarosh!

working out, netflix, bike maintenance, nutrition, icehogs free games, fitness, keto, work stuff

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