Title: In My Room
Pairing: 2min (Taemin/ Minho)
Rating: NC 17
Genre: Angst
Chapter: 1/4
Summary: Taemin gone missing and Minho is worried about his safety.
A/n: I will repost the whole story in this community for easy reference when I post up the sequel to 'In My Room'
Pain was the price of Love... )
Comments 4
and "It was just a dream but it could just send me to the road of miserly" I think you wanna say "misery", isn't it?
Sorry for using short form in my story >.<
yeah my english isn't my first language and I always get C or low B for it >.<
even though it's a important subject to study but yeah.
never ever score well and I always get my grammar, past tense mixed up xD
Thanks for noticing it :D
I went to edit :D
who raped him? i don't get the idea T.T poor 2min
*fly to 2nd chapter*
Actually the person who is responsible will appear in In My Heart.
thanks for reading!!!
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