updates on my life

Jul 15, 2009 15:24

Time (lol) to catch up again...

Women. Well, I guess I'm kind of still talking to one of the previous girls I met off MySpace a few months ago. We're just friends. It was me who decided not to hook up with her. I have my reasons. Now I've got another couple of girls I'm talking to, this being the seventh or eighth or so girls since I started "looking" again. The most recent are both of www.plentyoffish.com. One is very highly educated, so of course I'm just hoping we click. The other lives down the valley from me, so a bit closer than any of the other girls I've pursued online. No hard feelings towards any of the previous girls, minus one, and that's because she won't even talk to me about getting my sweatshirt and hat that I left at her house on accident, before she flaked on me and for some unknown reason decided she wanted nothing to do with me. Oh well. Her loss. Besides, she was a crappy kisser. Anyway, here are the locations of all these girls: Woodland, Elk Grove, Wilton, San Rafael, Merced, Sonoma, Los Altos, Napa. When I drove to Merced, I saw wind turbines on small rolling hills evenly covered in green grass, and that got me taking pictures while I was driving. Yeah, I've met all the girls listed for those towns except the last two, at least for now. But more than anything, I won't hook up with anyone who isn't as head-over-heals as I am. If that means I'll be single a while longer, then so be it.

Trips. Went to the SF Aquarium with my bff. We had a blast. I took a ton of pictures. We went to the Winchester Mystery House as well. We both took tons of pictures, and I was totally obsessing over how much detail there was in everything, from walls to door hinges to stained glass windows.... I went to the SF Zoo with a acquaintance from my coffee shop. The zoo actually depressed me a little, seeing those beautiful animals cramped up in their cages or whatnot, especially the big cats. I didn't see the whole zoo. That would probably take two whole days. As someone else put it though, at least their not being hunted down by poachers and have their fur or whatever sold. I was in SF for all of the Pride festivities. Drank both that Fri and Sat nights. Met someone off the internet, but I "lost" her a while after she met up with some other people. The other, that I was suppose to meet, well, I called late and never got a call back, but I wasn't too into her anyway. Had hella fun there though, was booked at Wyndham Fri through Mon. It was definitely my best Pride ever. Went camping at Bodega Bay with my bff too. It was a blast, 'cept all the time it took to untangle my kite string. We did horse back riding the second day we were there. That was amazing. I was bummed, though, because they wouldn't let us bring our cameras, and I saw some very beautiful sites, including a very hansom buck with a full rack. Oh, and the day we returned from camping, we went swimming at the Russian River. Didn't get much of a tan there, but it was fun, especially with my bff's puppy there. He went camping with us too, and that made the trip all the more entertaining. And yay, bff cooked during the whole trip and that made me very happy.

Home. Well, my living space kind of looks like a disaster right now. But I'm working on it, kinda. I'm still recuperating from the horse back ride. Think I may have screwed up my spine a little. But it was worth it. Got a new piece of furniture at Micheal's that I will need to sand, fill holes, and paint. Yay, another project that will likely take me months to get to. Still haven't gotten the crap car painted either. I just gotta have some "good" days, and hopefully it be a cooler day too (91 degrees outside right now, and rising). Been playing Guitar Hero, beat the first one on both easy and medium, beat easy and working on medium in Guitar Hero too. I totally have a great reason for me to play video games when I'm at home and not up to working on a project (days when it hurts to really move too much)... so yeah, this great reason... I totally cut way back on my smoking. I do a little around my bff too, but not nearly as much as with the video games. My kitty is good. My mom's, well, he's been acting a little funny lately and it's been making me want to kick his fuzzy little ass.

Vehicles. The newer car is up and running, mucho dollars later. Running good, except in idle. Crap car, I need to replace the Jerry-rigged starter switch, which all I need is a screwdriver and my wire cutter. The bike is in the shop... been in there over a month now actually, apparently "in line" to get fixed behind a bunch of other bikes, so who knows when I'll actually get it back, and all I know is it's going to be over 1k, but by how much I cannot even fathom.

Finances. Good. Stable. Past person debts paid (except my dad, but only because he specifically told me not to send him anything at this point in time). I should be able to afford to pay for the bike if they get it fixed this month, if not, next month I'm almost certain to have what it could be. There's now even more people who technically "owe me money", but honestly, I don't really care anymore. Some, I would just rather cut my losses than even talk to them again. One, I shall wait to see if she is true to her word. And my mom, she's happy 'cause I am actually paying her what she originally wanted me to pay every month now, which is helping her pay off a loan. I can pretty much afford to move out whenever I feel like now, but I know my mom can use the money (and the help cleaning the apartment), that and I just don't have a destination I really want to move to at this point... maybe I'll stay here until I find a nice girl I want to live closer to, or if not that, then when this apartment is spotless.

Health. Ugh. Not really any improvements. End of last week I switched from morphine back to codeine (this time without the acetaminophen). That has helped with that crazy sweating I've dealt with for what, almost a year now. I have the pregabalin, but I haven't switched to it from the gabapentin yet. No longer taking a birth control pill, no more ring either. Now I have an IUD, but I'm afraid it may be the cause of some abdominal pain I've been having the last few days. Added some new supplements to my daily pill regime too... bone reinforcer, l-tyrosine, l-carnitine, and bone meal. It may be the pain killer switch, but I definitely don't feel any better, and most of these changes/additions have been at least a few weeks going. I've also been watching my weight, and it just totters between 176 and 188. Luckily, I definitely don't look like I weigh that much... it's called muscles baby! Oh, I have done a bit of walking... at least 5 mi worth at Pride, another 2 mi on the beach at Bodega Bay, swimming in the Russian River. So I am actually pushing myself a little here and there. So these little trips I've been taking, they definitely aren't hurting (except, I'm thinking, the horse back riding).

Life. I try not to get as wound up when I drive. It doesn't always work, but when other drivers give me dirty looks for my aggressive driving style that is mainly me trying to get around people so I can go faster, I blow them kisses. I've noted, more than anything, I think it freaks them out, which usually works to my advantage as well. Started wearing bandannas under my hats since Pride to keep the hats from getting sweat stains, and that I guess is a kinda gangster-ish look, and I think I've actually undeliberately scared a few people on the freeway with this look, so that's a nice "side effect". I've been working on thinking less about how crappy my health is and instead focusing on actually enjoying life. The little in-state trips I've been doing solo or with others has been pretty cool, and gives me some sweet things to look forward to. And now with a little extra spending cash in my budget, I've purchased a few more little gadgets I've been drooling over. Got my handicap placard, but I try to only use it when I'm actually hurting, or if I can't find any other parking, or if I only plan on being a couple minutes. I seldom feel the pangs of hurt or sorrow over loves lost anymore. Overall, I think my perception has become a little more positive, and I rarely feel sorry for myself anymore. I've decided I want to be content as much as possible, and it's actually working. Mind over matter. Heh. If only I could will the pain away, and my hair pulling. But I'm still on track with my doctors and other health professionals, so at least I'm not standing still with that.

Everything else. Is there anything else? Um, I've got a handful of people that enjoy my company and call or just come over to hang out. Got a little drunk with one of them this last Friday night. That was fun. And I really do love the enchiladas at the Mexican restaurant around the corner and down the street from me. Still undecided about kids, still undecided about growing my hair out... though it's a good 5" long now on top... and it's been driving me nuts (also, this is now the longest it's been in 9 years). Got most of my recent tan lines at Pride, decided it was too windy to sun bathe at Bodega. I am also happy to say a long time friend I blew up at in December has allowed me yet again to apologize for flipping out and continues to be my friend. My dad called me yesterday, first time we talked in months, and neither of us had much to say besides some basic updates on random stuff, like the status of my vehicles, what he and his wife are doing to their cabin, the places we've gone, the people we've hung out with, basically a summary of what I've written in this journal entry.

And now, I think I've pretty much caught up on all the goings-ons in my life up to date. My daily life isn't too exciting, but when I'm out of the house, I just try to make sure nothing "harshes my mellow". lol
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