Sep 16, 2004 14:09
Last night, we got a phone call. It was my Uncle Bobbie calling for my dad. As you may already know, my Uncle Donald has bone, lung and had (has?) colon cancer all because of the Napon used in the Vietnam War. Well, my cousin Joanne called my Uncle Bobbie and told him that the doctors gave my Uncle Donald 6wks left to live. My dad got another call later that night, early morning. My Uncle Donald took a turn for the worst. He's in the hospital on full oxygen. The doctors say that they don't know how much longer he has. It could be a matter of days or a matter of hours. My dad is leaving to drive 6 hours up to New York to visit him. My mom said that I could go if I wanted to. I do want to go see my family and everything. But, I would be an extra burdon on my dad and I don't want to take away from his last visit with his brother. Out of all of my uncles, my Uncle Donald was probably my favorite. If I could go see him, I would in a heart beat. But, I don't want to make things harder on my dad or my family. Im soooo confused.