I thought I would put in written form some things I'm going to start doing soon, one of which involves some people on the Internet.
Maybe if I put it somewhere for people to hold me accountable to, it'll actually come to fruition.
- Comment more on things I like, and things I don't like. No one likes a silent person. At the same time though, it doesn
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I can thank the lyrics from Janet's song "YOU" for making me see that I should just be myself, and fuck what others think.
I'm not saying I'm the most masculine homo out there, I have my moments.
I also understand the not wanting to be judged for things. Which is why I have only just begun to disclose my whorish activities on my journal, lol.
I don't need people saying things that will piss me off.
But in the end, i suppose all one can do is worry about how they feel about themselves and screw others.
But the whole charade of being stereotypically flamboyant was just NOT working.
Same with being a stereotypical black guy. I think it went for, maybe, 2 hours before I said I QUIT.
Glad someone understands.
Just saying fuck what others think and be myself.... all the weirdness that it entails.
I change my position, be who others want you to be...., lol.
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