she needs to hear she's beautiful

Jan 03, 2006 20:08

ay dios mio!
xmas was great.
grandparents came over (and uncle).
i gotttttt: lots of money, makeup, lotion, shaving cream, candy, some CDs, and giftcards. nothing uber major this year.
but for my bday, i'm going to buy myself this really nice camera! a present from me =) i've never done it, and thought i should treat myself. i think i deserve it for once.

new years' eve was also great.
my parents drove kyli and i to tyler's house.
tyler, brett, robby, william s., jon, travis, meriah, kyli and i were all there. so six guys and three girls =) lol. we played this game called Cranium. it was fun. then we played twister. haha it was a lot of fun as well =) definately great. then we went outside by the pool. i kicked the soccer ball around with Brett and Tyler. then i was like, throwing the soccer ball across the pool with Kyli, Travis, Brett, and William. Travis kept throwing it RIGHT at the edge of the pool so it would splash me. so i tried to get him back lol. william ended up taking the ball and just throwing it at Travis. lol it was funny. then we changed into our bathing suits. everyone but Meriah and Robby went in the hot tub. but before i went in, i kept throwing the ball with william, travis, and brett. it was fun. then at MIDNIGHT, all of us sat by the hot tub and drank Sparkling Apple Cidar and screamed lol =) then (one of my new years' resolutions is to be brave and just DO something if i think i want to do it) i decided to jump in the freeeeeeezzzzinnnggg cold pool. i figured if Travis could do it i could. lol. so i did. and everyone watched. and i was embarrassed lol. but i did it anyway and it was awesome. a few minutes later i got back in the hot tub and we all sat there until about 12:30. kyli's mom came and picked us up. we didn't leave for another few minutes though. said goodbye to all the guys. meriah's mom came around the same time. so all the guys were left girl-less the rest of the night. i went home and then called tyler and everyone. talked to a few of them until about 2:30 when my mom came in and was like WHY ARE YOU ON THE PHONE?! GO TO BED! lol. they were watching Dodgeball and Without a Paddle and then they just sat around and talked. yep yep yep.

friday Tyler, Mom, Jeremy, Robin, Kim, Bradley and i went to Deleon springs and ate pancakes. but we had to wait TWO HOURS for a table. so we went on the playground and messed around. i took some pictures =) it was fun. we left a bit after we finished breakfast (actually around 1:00) and met tyler's dad at Odyssey. later that night i babysat Bradley (four years old) and Cady (three years old) while the adults went to their friend's party. it was fun. we played hide and seek, bingo, colored some pictures, took some regular pictures, ate mac n cheese, danced to xmas music. bradley went to bed at 8:45. i let Cady play in the bath with some little toys, and put her in bed at 9:15. then i went on the computer until 12. then jeremy and i went to bed.

sunday we picked up kyli we picked up Kyli around 4ish. we went to Publix and went shopping for my mom. we came home, and kyli and i just talked about stuff. we called tyler and talked to him for a little bit. then we had dinner, talked, and hung around. we watched Edward Scissorhands and talked online. then we went to bed at like 2:30.

monday we woke up at 10:00. talked for awhile. took showers. then we called tyler at 11. i woke up him =( i felt terrible but he said it was okay lol. mom, dad, jeremy, bryce, kyli and i went to Fashion Square. Tyler met us there at 1:40 or so. we walked around a few stores and stuff. then we ate at the food court upstairs. then we met back up with my brother and parents (bryce got picked up) and came home. we played guitar and talked and messed around. it was fun. then we dropped kyli off at home. mom, dad, jeremy, tyler and i met my grandparents at Perkins for dinner. the car ride there was fun. we were hyper lol. had dinner, it was nice. then we met tyler's dad at Odyssey. came home. sat around and stuff. talked online. went to bed at 11:15.

tuesday (today) we sat around. i cleaned some and folded laundry. watched tv. picked kyli up at 2:00. went to my doctor's appt. my grandma picked kyli and i up at 3-something. hung around at her house and watched tv. mom met us there and took kyli home. then we came back here to the house and i did some more chores and stuff. had chicken parm for dinner. it was good.

i can't believe that today is the last day of our winter vacation.
ahlaskjdflajsdlfkja. i'm gonna miss being free every day of the week. and sleeping in. and everything lol.

i'm doing pretty good right now.
i feel happy.
i have been doing better lately, and i'm proud of myself for that =)
i'm just sick of all the teenage stuff.... drama, unhappiness, attitude, hormones, all the emotions, confusion... all that stuff. i don't like it. i feel like i have two parts of me: a 15-year old and a 30-year old. when i do something teenage-ish my other side is like "wth? why did you do something so immature? why can't you grow up and act like the young adult you are?" but yeah... i'm kinda weird like that... oh well.
other than that... i've been good lol.
my brother is still acting up and driving me crazy... but i'm dealing with it. i don't really have a choice. so that's my reason.

new years' resolutions:
1. be brave.
2. be assertive.
3. don't worry so much about what people think about me.
4. take chances.
5. if i like a boy, i'm gonna try to make it work. lol.
6. if i think i should do something, i'm just going to do it. not analyze every little thing dealing with it.
7. always be nice to people. including my brother =X
8. get my p a t i e n c e back. i'm back to me soon.
9. do what i want to do. like community service. or go to church. or learn guitar. or how to sing. or dance. or hang out with friends. i'm going to just DO things i say i want to do.
10. feel good about myself. including self-esteem, confidence, happiness, etc. =) i want to be happy with me. i want to love me like i love other people.

wooooo. =)
i'm in a super good mood right now!

i love you guys.
all my friends are amazing <33333

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