Weekend Update: A Little Bit of This, a Little Bit of That...

Oct 14, 2012 00:00

So Saturday was Dewey's 24-hour Read-A-Thon, something that I don't usually know about until it's in progress. This year, I found out two days ahead of time, and I was tempted. Really tempted. But I had (and am still working on) a manuscript to critique, a lot of comics to get through, and I decided we needed to go grocery shopping on Saturday too. So not a lot of reading was in my forecast, but I did watch Sleepwalk with Me, which I highly recommend, especially if you enjoy movies about adults finding their way in the world, comedy, and sleepwalking, not necessarily in that order. It's in indy theaters but also available on Video on Demand, which is how my hubby and I finally got to watch it. No, it's not spec fic, but you should watch it anyway.

But back to reading, I have slowed the hell down. I think that maybe all that energy I used back in July and August drained me of my reading fuel, so I can only read bits and pieces at a time, even if I'm really enjoying the book at hand. I'm not sure how long this will go on. It's not a slump so much as it's me wanting to do and see other things, but as with all things in life, it is a cycle, so don't be surprised if you see another insane reading spree pop up.

Speaking of reading sprees, I've got a hankering. Some of you remember that my first science fiction love was Star Wars, and that my real introduction to the world of SF reading was the Star Wars Expanded Universe novels. I know, that's sacrilege to some of you. It's okay. Just keep breathing. At any rate, with one exception, I haven't read a Star Wars book since 2005, and I'm starting to get a hankering to read them again. Blame Tor.com.

Today, Tor.com posted that Del Rey announced two big upcoming SW novels to be released in 2013. The first is a book that will take place between Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith and Episode IV: A New Hope, and that novel will focus on how Obi-Wan Kenobi became, essentially, Ben Kenobi. And I want that. Like, now.

Promo artwork by Chris Scalf

But wait, there's more!

You know how I fell in love with James S.A. Corey's Expanse series this year? And how the series is officially on my pre-order list? Well, James S.A. Corey is writing his (well, their) own Star Wars book, and will take place between Episode IV: A New Hope and Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. And it's focused on Han Solo. AND I'M SO EXCITED!!!!

Can I have these books now, please?

No? Okay… so that makes me decide maybe I should start reading my unread Star Wars books, of which there are 13 (that I own. There have been many more published that I do not own). I think that will keep me busy for a while, even if I did one book per month, you know? I'm not going to make any resolutions yet, but it'd be nice to step back into that universe and get re-acquainted with the characters. I rather miss it.

And that's it from me. What have you been reading lately, and what do you have a hankering for?

blog: weekend update, fiction: star wars

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