Weekend Update: By the Cover

Jun 12, 2011 12:47

It has been forever since I've posted one of these, and it's largely due in part to being CRAZY BUSY. This means that I'm lucky to get one review out per week, let alone multiple reviews and a book-related discussion on the weekend. I'm trying to get back in the saddle, as there ARE things I'd like to discuss, but I would ask for your patience ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

intoyourlungs June 12 2011, 21:44:12 UTC
I've seen Possessed at the bookstore I work and also found the cover super pretty, but haven't read the synopsis before reading this post. I just have to say, WOW, those two concepts *are* eerily similar. Like.. a lot. But like you said, it's not like this is the first time that that kind of plot has been written. Also, dystopias with love triangles are stupidly common at the moment. It's still interested just HOW alike those two synopses are though.

I never connected the two covers before now either, but seeing them together like that really shows just how similar they are. I personally it's smart on the publisher's part though, if they were emulating the Matched cover, because I think a lot of people will at least check out this book on the cover alone. I know that I've already seen it all over the YA blogosphere, and it even popped up on a lot of people's radars months ago because of it's pretty cover.

Personally, I'm not sure if I'll check out the book. I haven't read Matched, but I'm not sure I want to either; after reading ( ... )


calico_reaction June 13 2011, 16:42:06 UTC
It's definitely a pretty cover!


geekygirl June 13 2011, 02:49:41 UTC
You make a good point. One I honestly don't think I would have recognized unless someone pointed it out to me. Besides the covers, the summaries do sound alike. I enjoyed Match, but I don't think my choice of reading Possession is hinged on that fact. Interesting perspective though! :)


calico_reaction June 13 2011, 16:41:21 UTC
You're a better person than me. I think I'm burned out on love triangles anyway, and having another love triangle in a dystopia where couples are matched by a governing body just makes my head hurt! :)


purple_snitch June 13 2011, 10:29:58 UTC
When I first glanced at this post I assumed you were comparing UK/US covers of the same book.


seismickitten June 13 2011, 11:49:10 UTC
When I first looked at this post, I thought Possession was the sequel to Matched. Oh dear.


calico_reaction June 13 2011, 16:39:46 UTC
Scary, huh?

The sequel to Matched is Crossed and it looks like this:

... )


calico_reaction June 13 2011, 16:40:36 UTC
It's an easy mistake to make, isn't it? Funny thing: on Condie's blog, she just had a giveaway for Possession!


ext_283115 June 14 2011, 02:44:58 UTC
Hmm, hard to say how the covers ended up like this, but I didn't really think much of it myself when I first pulled Possession out of its shipping box at B&N. I think it's because these two aren't the only two out there like this. Stuff stuck inside other things, that is. The similar premise, now that makes it more interesting, but if you don't read the back of both you might not notice it. If I'd just read the premise for Possessed, I might have thought, "Oh that sounds like Matched or Delirium or..." but...*shrug* I don't really think it matters. I say, hey, if it gets someone to buy the book, the bully for the author ( ... )


calico_reaction June 15 2011, 02:04:35 UTC
Oh, yes, the premise is definitely similar to other YA dystopias, no doubt. :)

I'd forgotten how they've made YA covers for those classic books, and you're right, they're totally ripping off the Twilight covers. Oy...


Finally! ext_283115 June 21 2011, 04:07:01 UTC
Got the chance to find the books I wanted to point out. While their cover images aren't the same, it's the *colors* that kept confusing me. It also didn't help that their last names were so similar. These books are literally right next to each other on the shelf.

First we have Kimberly Derting:

Then there's Bree Despain:

Haha - and actually if you click The Dark Divine and scroll down, you'll actually see Derting's books listed in the "Similar books" area.

I also keep confusing the Fallen books by Lauren kate and the Hush Hush ones by Becca Fitzpatrick. I think it's the whole angel thing that throws me...


Re: Finally! calico_reaction June 21 2011, 16:27:33 UTC
I have no trouble keeping Kate's an Fitzpatrick's books straight. The covers are so radically different!


talesend June 25 2011, 06:59:33 UTC
I'll say I am annoyed by matching covers. Stephen King's Everything's Eventual came out first, but we mix it up with Ben Mezrich's The Accidental Billionaires. And then there's the Twilight apple cradled by a pair of hands... a cover used also for C.S. Lewis's Words To Live By. Aargh. Simple does not mean memorable.


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