Maintenance Monday

Dec 28, 2009 20:58

Year-End Wrap Up and What You're Looking Forward To Most

Actually, anyone who's followed this journal for any length of time knows that there won't be a REAL wrap up until I post my annual Top Ten list, as well as the giveaway. But if you know about that, you know I wait until 2009 is actually over before revealing my choices, because there are three or so days left in the year, and who knows what I might finish reading before the year is up?

So for lists, you're gonna have to wait. :)

But there's a few other items to discuss. First, I hit 100 reads for the year over the weekend, so my insane reading schedule can finally grind to a halt, right? No. Just finished 102 today. Because reading this fast? IS A DISEASE. I've finally settled on something I don't think I'll speed-read through, which is good, because I have three crits to finish by the weekend, and they demand my time. :)

Still though, I've got a TON of books to read, and it's making me think about 2010 reading resolutions. In 2008, I'd read 123 books and told myself that for 2009, I didn't need to kill myself to read 100 books in a year, because I'd already reached that goal. You know how well that turned out. ;) But one thing I am thinking of trying to curb is my book-buying habits. Libraries are still out because there's nothing good local, and then there's the fact that the one MAJOR downside to reading multiple serials (or following certain authors) is that you have to run out and get your hands on the latest release the moment it comes out. And trust me, there's quite a few authors on that list for me, just in the first quarter alone. But the book I'm most looking forward to in 2010?

The Gaslight Dogs by Karin Lowachee.

Lowachee wrote one of my favoritest space operas EVER, and I'm not just saying that. Warchild is a book I love so damn much that as much as I want to re-read it, I'm afraid to re-read it. Does that make sense? I don't want a second reading to in any way, shape, or form, tarnish my love for the first. But I've read the books that followed, and I will read absolutely everything and anything Lowachee writes. This is her first foray (to my knowledge) into fantasy, and it's Arctic steampunk at that. I'm looking forward to this so much that I think I just might pre-order this sucker right this instant, rather than rely on the stupid stores to have it in. :)

What book are MOST looking forward to in 2010? There's one catch: it has to have a SOLID release date, not just discussed that it might come out in 2010. :)

Other things I'd like to do in 2010: read more of a variety. For whatever reason, the mystery bug is nibbling at my reading center, so you may see more reviews of that genre in the future. I also want to make a bigger dent in my current to-read stacks (notice that's plural: STACKS), because I've got so much to get through and yet I can't help by buy more. I'm really going to try and curb my buying habits. Honest. :) Final call for THE LAST UNICORN by Peter S. Beagle! Review will go up on New Year's Eve, so if you've started the book, get crackin'!

Book Club Selections

January: The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson
February: Kindred by Octavia E. Butler

Book Sale: there's still 89 books to choose from in the book sale, and authors include Charlaine Harris, John Twelve Hawks, David Louis Edelman, Jeanne C. Stein, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Check out all of the details here. Now that the holidays are over, I'll be happy to get the books out ASAP!

Upcoming Reviews: Skinned by Robin Wasserman, Liar by Justine Larbalestier, The Christmas List by Richard Paul Evans, Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews, and last, but not least, The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle

Currently Reading: In the Woods by Tana French

Book Meter: 102 and counting, but I suspect the year's going to end with 102. I doubt I'll finish In the Woods before the year is up, and besides, I have enough reviews to post as it is!

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! What are YOUR reading resolutions for 2010? What books are you most looking forward to?

blog: miscellaneous, blog: weekend update,

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