Book Bag

Dec 27, 2009 18:45

I don't intend on getting any more books between now and the end of the year. Of course, now that I've said that, I'm going to stumble upon something I have to get my hands on right away. But for now, here's the Christmas loot (mostly).

Sherman, Delia: Interfictions 2 (publisher): received this freebie via the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program. I've already read and reviewed the first Interfictions anthology and enjoyed it very much, so it was a no-brainer to request volume 2. Definitely looking forward to it.

Wilce, Ysabeau S.: Flora Segunda (Borders): I've heard wonderful things about this book, and emerald_ibis and I decided to make it our January/February read. I'm hoping it's as much fun as it's sub-title suggests: Being the Magickal Mishaps of a Girl of Spirit, Her Glass-Gazing Sidekick, Two Ominous Butlers (One Blue), a House with Eleven Thousand Rooms, and a Red Dog.

French, Tana: In the Woods (Christmas gift): maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, but this book caught my eye when it was named the SHU WPF residency read for the residency immediately following my graduation. Reviews were mixed, but that's to be expected when readers are forced to read a book not necessarily within their genre (or forced to read a book period), but this sucker's had a siren call, so I'm glad I got it for Christmas. Thanks, michaelmay!

Peek, Ben: Black Sheep (Christmas gift): another book that's been on my radar for a while. It's an SF dystopia that really focuses on race relations, diversity, and what happens when your skin color changes. Really interested in this one, but it's one of those I have no idea what to expect, which is why I never picked it up for myself. Still, looking forward to it. Again, thanks to michaelmay.

Evans, Richard Paul: The Christmas List (Christmas gift): if you've been watching this journal for at least a year, you know Richard Paul Evans's overly optimistic and rather inspirational yearly offerings are something of a guilty pleasure. The past three years, I keep telling myself that I'll stop and not pick up the latest, and the past three years, I put the latest on my Christmas list and get it anyway. Thanks, Mimi (that's my grandmother)! This one's already read, so expect a review soon.

Andrews, Ilona: Magic Burns (Christmas gift): another courtesy of my grandmother. Told you all I'd read the sequel to Magic Bites. In fact, I'm reading it right this very instant. Well, not RIGHT this very instant, as that would mean I'm reading and typing at the same time, but it is the book I'm currently in the middle of. :)

Sperring, Kari: Living with Ghosts (Christmas gift): the last, courtesy of my grandmother. This fantasy's been on my radar since it was released, mostly in part due to the cover, but I finally decided I'd read it if someone else got it for me. And what do you know? Someone did! How soon I'll read it, I'm not sure. I'd like to finish reading my other Christmas gifts first. :) That's all for me! What excellent and wonderful books did YOU get for the holidays? Or did you get a slew of gift cards to use? I got one gift card for Borders, which will probably be used pretty quickly. :)

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