The Values of Life

Aug 21, 2006 08:27

I had a conversation w/ Aaron yesterday. He's been working on developing a video game. To develop the complexities of a person, a house, a blade of must assign a value to each feature. How do you come up a consistent measurement for everything? It was a pretty interesting question.

My theory was that a table or an experience or a priest are all made up of energy. Different colour energy perhaps, but energy all the same. Based on basic quantum physics. Each entity is a pattern based on an equation that are based on number values. So you assign a grade of wood, a breeze, and a black cloak specific points based on the energy consumption they use. Then you apply these numbers to a systematic equation that will design a pattern on the screen with an image on it. Otherwise knowing as programming perhaps. So, a rectangular chrome table would equate to different points then a circular oak table. Same equation different values applied to the equation. Same equation because they are both tables but different numbers because of the different materials, shapes, designers, sizes, etc.

What equation do you use for a person and what number values do you assign to each energy entity? the measurement of the spaces between there eyes? the distance from there eyebrows and hairline? the health of there organs? the complex tapestry of there past experiences? the smell of there skin and there tendancies towards bathing or not bathing? the sound of there voice? there potential to smile and compliment? the gait of there walk? the quality of there thoughts? etc etc etc. How do you quantify an experience or something that isn't matter? So, say you were capable of quantifying ever value of this person and applying a number. How do you make it consistent with the change and unique pattern of this individual? What is consistent? Is nothing consistent? How do you design an equation that is affected by its environment? How do you design an environment that this equation should equate to? Perhaps, if you design a person with there unique characteristics...they will discover there own environment they are comfortable with and the lifestyle they would like to lead. They are creating there own external pattern once you have created there internal patern.

It makes an interesting global experiment if you could design all the entities of this earth at this EXACT moment in time and watch them be released onto the canvas of this game. Each working independently of themselves. What is the big picture or the pattern that is created? Would it play out the same as it does currently. I know that is an impossible task for so many reasons, but interesting nonetheless.
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