Mar 05, 2005 00:13
Death and destruction...the running theme of my day! I was told a few gruesome stories in the last couple of days. Dead prostitutes stuffed in springboard mattresses and moving burial plots with new insight into what the word crisco means!?! Yikes. Then I came home tonight and watched a gruesome detail of the battles of WWI! I'm having nightmares right now and I'm still awake. I went for a walk along an undeveloped area off of Nanaimo station today and I swore that there were dead bodies under me. The ground was all uneven and there were crunchy spots and soft spots. I had to run to get away from my thoughts. I was getting the chills. They lasted until I was completely out of sight of the place. Went a little crazy there.
To make the night more gruesome....I saw my most recent ex boyfriend with his new "girlfriend" while I was eating dinner. That was a shocker. He came by, held my hand and talked to me for a bit and tried to distract me from the grande unveiling. I was still a little put off by the whole experience. Thoughts of corpses + ex boyfriend = loss of appetite! And, it was my favourite green coconut curry...bastard!!!
In other more appealing news. Bri has prunned his front yard shrub (acuba japonica) into a face, minus an ear. Ode to Van Gogh! I want to go help him work on his soon to be super veggie plot sometime this week. Nelson told me that himself and Ed will help me with any labour in my garden with the payment of free beer. That can be done. They're hard workers too! New garden + Exploiting friends = great summer. Jayme is having her one year cake tomorrow. Very excited for her!!! I get to see her parents and sister, it's been at least a decade! My cousins (Mary and Duncan) headed back to London today and left behind some sweet compilations cd's from Duncan's record label. It was a great visit w/ them in town. Apparently, my mom took them to Storeyum today when I was at school. My brother and Mary were recreating the blatent disregard for any other cultures. They suggested that they take out the history all together (since it's very lacking and somewhat innaccurate) and just add more showgirls, dancing and singing. My cousin Neil's friend has legally changed his name to Loyd Awesome. I think that's awesome, Loyd!!!