(no subject)

Jul 01, 2005 23:34

You know... It seems like every time I'm up here, I end up getting in some kind of religious discussion with my grandmother. And she brought something to my attention.

Christians believe that there are good spirits and bad spirits, the anti to the good and she somehow believes that paganism is the evil counterpart to christianity (oddly, she doesn't have any negative thoughts on buddhism, hinduism, etc...) And it made me think.

Christians believe that the "anti" or evil spirits will do anything to deceive someone in believing it is the real.. whatever.. But then the real should be humble and positive. Why would christianity warn the followers of an anti. Why wouldn't the anti warn of the anti? Could christianity be the anti? What if old pagan beliefs have more validity than christian beliefs. After all, God/dess created everything right? So then why wouldn't devine energy reside in all things? I think that if christianity is real, then the end times are nigh and most christians - my family included - will be deathly surprised at how things turn out. The antichrist could quite possibly surface here in the US republican party. They are deceiving the american christians - acting like they are so christly but their policies and propositions are anything but christian and the christians are BUYING IT!! WTF? So it's christian to create second class citizenry? to discriminate against a minority? If christianity is right and the end times are nigh, gays are regrettably pawns in the horrible ordeal. Think about it, the republicans are throwing us out into the den of conservative "christians" (the pat robertson crowd) and the christians think "Oh, he's so moral!! Lets elect him!!!" I don't like the idea of being used like that - take away MY rights, cause ME undue stress that could possibly harm my health, just to gain power and money. There is certainly evil amuck but many christians don't know that they're in on it.
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