Sep 21, 2010 14:21



like a cool breeze PG
character/pairings: Loki/Tony, the Avengers, Fury
warnings: none
word count: ~1530
summary: It turns out that Loki's kisses are just as cool as his demeanor.

no place like G
character/pairings: Steve Rogers
warnings: surreal
word count: ~500
summary: When Steve Rogers's nightmares involving the aftermath of fighting Loki is twisted to fit a Wizard of Oz setting.


let it guide you NC17 NWS
character/pairings: Charles/Erika
warnings: PWP, oral sex, female!Erik
word count: ~450
summary: It's uncertain which of them enjoys it more.


strange machines PG
characters/pairings: Tony, Natasha, Pepper, Clint, Rhodey
warnings: shows inside mechanics of cyborg!Tony
summary: Compilation of images set inside a cog arc reactor, steampunk, gen.

post-fight munchies PG13
characters/pairings: Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes)
warnings: mild blood/bruises, shirtless Bucky
summary: Winter Soldier...raids his target's refrigerator and patches up his wounds while waiting for Natasha to show up.

what do you want? G
characters/pairings: young witchy!Loki
warnings: none
summary: …Not that there was much left of him when Loki opened his front door a crack to peer at him up close. “Hello,” Loki said, more to the shade of Death than to the man on his step. “What do you want?”


Damn your eggs! G
characters/pairings: Erik, Charles
warnings: bad jokes about scenes in Cuba
summary: Bascially, [soldierly] and I have this thing where Charles really likes eggs for breakfast and Erik is in a constant battle against the eggs for Charles' affections.

marvel fanart, fanart, fanfiction, marvel fanfic, f - master lists

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