title: strange machines
rating/warnings: PG, for showing the inside of mechanical!Tony's hand
summary: Compilation of images set inside a cog arc reactor, steampunk avengers themed, gen.
a/n: Drawn for
I'm a loose bolt (of a complete machine) during
robotbigbang 2012
Honestly, I thought I'd like doing the character drawings more than the actual tech, but I think I'm most pleased with the three Tony images. More specifically, the bottom with the hand. It's from the first scene that I received from my author, and I'd originally planned to just do that one image, until I read the rest and the composition popped into my head. If I were to redo it, I'd probably focus on the mechanical tech scenes instead, but WHATEVER MAN I NEVER DRAW RHODEY OR AVENGERS ANYWAY. Here, have a detail of it.
From this scene:
Tony is sitting by the window, left arm in his lap. He’s peeled the skin back from the palm of his hand, rolled up around his knuckles like a glove, and for a split-second Pepper’s stomach lurches even though she’s seen him in far worse states. He holds out his other hand for the screwdriver, and she gives it to him, hovering a little anxiously as Tony catches his lower lip between his teeth and starts twisting one of the cogs near his wrist.
For my own reference, bigbang post was [