I figure I'll make a post now, considering the cable company is going to mess around with our internet today and god knows how that's going to work out.
Played pictionary with
starshipbadass last night (we're awesome at it) over at
isketch and when she left I didn't exactly stop playing it. Just hopped into a public room and kept on going. It's super fun, man. AND DON'T TELL ME YOU DON'T PLAY IT BECAUSE YOU CAN'T DRAW THAT'S BULLSHIT. I can draw, but when it gets to pictionary that doesn't effing matter. THERE'S NO TIME FOR NICE DRAWING.
I think I drew no less than five priests last night. >___> And one really awesome catfish. 8D
There was something else for me to talk about, but eff if I remember now. Ah well.